Monday 8 June 2020

Winter sports in Hokkaido 

Winter sports are popular in Hokkaido because it snows. Today, I’ll introduce three winter sports.

1 Skiing

Skiing is the most popular winter sport in Hokkaido. People from Hokkaido, maybe have all done it once because many schools in Hokkaido use skiing in their physical education classes. Also, skiing is a popular club activity for children. So, you can see many elementary and junior high school students practicing skiing in the mountains.


 2.  Skating.

There are skate rinks in various part of Hokkaido. In addition, natural skating rinks can be found in ponds in the winter. You can’t do it on the natural rinks but you can rent skates at the facilities, so anyone enjoy skating.


 3. Snowboarding. 

If you want to start winter sports this season, I recommend it. Because many people start snowboarding when they are college students. So, everyone is at the same starting point! Moreover, I think snowboarding is easier than skiing or skating. It took many winter seasons before I could ski and skate properly. But it took only one season before I could snowboard.


The three sports above are the most famous winter sports and I recommend them to you. If you are interested in even one, why don’t you try it too? They are a lot of fun!!



  1. Hi, Momoka. I hear you are good at snowboarding. How long have you been doing it?? If you don't mind, why don't we snowboard together next winter? Rika

  2. Hi Momoka.
    I like skiing but I don't know which ski area is good. So, would you tell me your recommendation?

  3. Hi, Momoka.
    These sports are really good. Which one do you like the best?(Miyu)
