Friday 5 June 2020

The Best Three Dishes in our University's Cafeteria

Hello, my name is Misaki Maeda.

I would like to introduce the best three dishes for me at Hokkaido University of Education’s cafeteria.

First, I will announce the third place. It is Bowl of rice topped with deep-fried chicken! It is very popular among students. Not only the deep-fried chicken but also the delicious sauce. Maybe I think that no one would hate the taste. But it has negative points. We have to pay lots of money to have it. It is 473 yen (medium size). It is higher than other dishes. Also, it makes us fat!! It has 901 kcal (medium size). I’m sad・・・

Second, I will announce the second place. It is Spicy French fries. I like them very much. It is crispy and a little spicy. People who don’t like spicy foods can eat it. However, it is rarely sold. So when you find it in the cafeteria, you should buy it! I highly recommend it.

Finally, I will announce the first place. It is Rice bowl topped with pork and spicy miso. It is the most delicious lunch for me there. As you know I like heavy food so it is just right. It has 718 kcal (medium size), but I think the medium size is a little large so I eat the small size. It has 511 kcal. If you eat it, you can decrease kcal you get. Thus you can get both heavy food and slim style.

Please eat these dishes in your school life.


  1. Hi Misaki,
    At HUES I always eat Bento I bring from home. I often see many students eating lunch in the cafeteria. It seems very delicious. I would like to try using our university's cafeteria, at that time I will refer to your blog!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love the chicken TATSUTA! I hope I will eat it again!!


  4. Hi Misaki! I'm shocked to hear Bowl of rice topped with deep-fried chicken has 901 kcal. If you have a recommended healthy dish at cafeteria, please tell me! Rika

  5. Hello, Misaki!!
    I want to eat dishes in our university's cafeteria with you!!!!!
    Our favorite dishes is chicken TATSUTA!!haha

  6. Hi, Misaki.
    I have never eat spicy french fries. I want to try it!(Miyu)
