Sunday 21 June 2020

Airyo-sai ~school festival~

  Airyo-sai ~school festival~

Today, I’ll introduce Airyo-sai, our university festival. This festival is held once a year in the first weekend in October. On Friday, an event the eve of the festival is held. Last year, there was a dressing-up contest.

A lot of student circles participate in this. Some of them sell delicious food such as fried noodles, boiled gyoza, crepes, churros and cookies. We have to be careful not to eat too much! Last year, boiled gyoza was the most popular with visitors including students. Others provide various services. The circles related to music perform live concerts on the stage, the circles related to games play games to communicate with visitors and others also make use of their own features to create interesting activities.


The most fantastic event of the festival is the firework display. I think you should see it because it’s really beautiful. The members of the executive committee can watch it from special seats. It was hard to prepare for the festival but this wonderful sight made me feel that it has been good to keep going to the end.

This is a fun festival, so I hope many people come to enjoy it. The executive committee of Airyo-sai has a twitter account, so please check it out.    (Aoi)


  1. Hi Aoi,
    Last year I could spend a special time in the school festival. I'm looking forward to this year's Airyo-sai!

    1. Hi Yu!
      Thank you for your comment. I think it's difficult to hold Airyo-sai this year because of coronavirus. So I want you to enjoy next year!!

    2. Hi Aoi,
      I know you work hard to make Airyo-sai better so I'm very sad about that...
      Let's enjoy the festival together next year

  2. Hi, Aoi!
    I didn't go Aiyo-sai last year. So I was shocked to hear the news that it's difficult to hold this year. But I hope we can enjoy together next year.
