Monday 8 June 2020

Local Mascots in Sapporo

Local mascots are symbols to promote the good points of regionally specific animals, culture, tourism resources, specialities, etc.

There are cute local mascots in Sapporo, so I would like to introduce some of them with some famous sightseeing spots.


One of the most famous local mascots in Sapporo is TV dad. He advertises the TV Tower in Odori Park but he is the unofficial character. His hobby is taking a hot spring and he is good at skiing. His favorite foods are ramen, crab and ruibe*, which are famous products in Hokkaido. He has 6 members in his family, his wife, son, Taro, daughter, Hanako, a father, mother and himself. He is on Twitter and Instagram, so why don’t you check him out?

*Ruibe is a dish of the Ainu people who are indigenous to Hokkaido. It consists of seafood that is frozen. People slice it and eat like sashimi with soy sauce and salt.

The TV Tower was built in 1957 by Tachu Naito who is a Japanese famous architect. One of his famous buildings is the Tokyo Tower. The TV Tower’s height is a 147.2 metre. It has an observation deck at a height of 90.38 metres. From there, you can overlook the whole city. Many tourists visit there and take wonderful photos.


  1. Hi! I'm surprised that TV dad are able to ski! According to my research, he weights over 1000 tons. I'd like to see that he skiing!

  2. I saw TV dad for the first time. I was very surprised that he has a family! I like his son because he is cute.

  3. TV dad is very funny!!
    And I haven't known about his hobby and favorite food. So I enjoyed reading this post.

  4. Hello!
    I am surprised TV dad is not an official charactor. I want to go up the tower someday.(Miyu)
