Sunday 21 June 2020

Our University Library📗 2

Previously I talked about our university library on my blog post. I want to continue from where we left off!

I wrote about the differences of libraries (between elementary school🎒 and HUES) and I wrote about discussion rooms and internet search systems, next I’ll talk about the rules.

  1. The Rules 

The rules when we use our university library are also different from those for elementary school. In elementary school libraries we have to be quiet and it is forbidden to drink and eat something there.

In the university library, we can talk with our friends and drink something. You would think, “How comfortable the space is!” However, you mustn’t forget that other people are also using the library. We shouldn’t talk loudly and we can’t bring food or drinks which have no lids.

  1. Variety of books

In my previous blog post, I said that the university library has a large number of books. There are many genres of books.


There are some CDs, movies, and a lot of comics. You can also enjoy them!

When you went to the elementary school library, what types of books did you read? I think most of you read a lot of novels. Of course, there are a lot of novels in our university library, so you can enjoy reading them. However, there are many academic books in the university library. The biggest educational difference between before and after entering university is that we have to collect information ourselves. The university library is the best place for us to look for useful information.

This is why I like our university library.😉 It gives me a lot of knowledge and ideas!

See you until the next blog post!👋 (Sasa)


  1. Hi Sasa,
    I like the library in that we can study with drinking something because normally we cannot drink anything in libraries!


    1. Hi Soshin,
      Yeah! I think so too! University Library is one of the places which makes ourselves at home.

  2. Hi yu,
    I was surprised that there are a lot of rooms in university library!
    I often in group work area to study and read novels. When I can enter the university, I will try to use other rooms!


    1. Hi Kaori,
      I often use audiovisual media room, which is on the third floor. Few people use this room. If you want to concentrate something, I recommend to use this room. Also there are a lot of movies and CDs, so you can relax.
