Sunday 21 June 2020

My Club Activities

I belong to four clubs. Today, I will introduce three of them. 

1. The Futsal Club. 

All the players greet the match's referees.

I work as an assistant. We are active every Tuesday and Thursday. And a few times a month on Saturday, we play a match. Managers do much work in practice and matches. For example, give water bottles to the players, measure practice or match time and write the score. Besides futsal, there are a lot of events such as drinking parties and graduation parties. I think many players enjoy playing futsal!!

2."Ainosato daishizen harapekogakko" (aipeko)

This is light art. It is beautiful and children love it.

Maybe you thought "What?". It is a club to play with children. There are people who belong to various majors and clubs but everyone likes children.  We camp and do overnight parties every summer and winter. So every week we talk and plan about these events. It is hard because we have to think about fun and safety, but it is a learning experience for us. 

3. Windmill (softball club)

A ball, bat and gloves. 1st and 3rd gloves from left are mine.

This is Hokkaido university's club but anyone can enter it. We play softball a few times a month on Saturdays. Also, we go to a training camp in summer and winter. In winter, we also play volleyball and basketball. 

My lifestyle is very busy because of many club activities but it is fun. 

Would you try to enter some new clubs?


  1. Hi,
    I don't belong to any of the clubs. But, I like to play baseball and futsal. I want to play games with you if I have time.

  2. Hi! You are so active. If I belong three culbs, I'm going to get tired.

  3. Hello,
    Actually I don't know Aipeko but it sounds very interesting!
