Sunday 21 June 2020

My Seminar

The Japanese modern history seminar

I’m a member of the Japanese modern history seminar. In this seminar, we learn a lot of things related to Japanese history from the Edo-period to the Syowa-period. For example, one of my seniors in the seminar studies the influence of imperialism on Japanese politics. We used a book which is in this picture to discuss imperialism.

1. Why I decided to join this seminar

To be frank, I like to study world history more than Japanese history! So, I wanted to join a world history seminar. Surprisingly, there is not the world history seminar in our university!  But, in the Japanese modern history seminar, I could learn about not only Japan but also foreign countries, because the interaction between Japan and other countries has flourished. In fact, when we discussed ideas of Japanese democrats, we had to know their ideas were based on the philosopher Rousseau’s.

2. The topics I want to study in the seminar

The topic which I want to study is a relationship between Japan and Taiwan during the war. As you know, Japan colonized Taiwan for 50 years. But, some Taiwanese argue that Japanese rule promoted modernization. So, I’d like to learn how Japan governed Taiwan. I’m looking forward to reading and analyzing many historical materials!

If you are interested in Japanese modern history, I recommend you check this site




  1. Hi Kaori,
    I like Japanese history very much. So I want to talk with you about it!

    1. Really!?
      Let's talk about Japanese history when we can enter the university!

  2. Hi Kaori,
    I like Taiwan food and want to know the relationship between Taiwan and Japan.
    I'll check this site!

    1. I'm very happy to know that you are interested in Taiwan.
      I want to take you to Taiwan if we have time! Let's eat a lot of Taiwanese foods together!

  3. Hi Kaori,
    I learned Japanese history for the entrance exam, but I am not good at the history from Meiji-period to Showa-period.
    I think it is too difficult because there were dynamic changes...
    Honoka K

  4. We have to remember a lot of information about history from Meiji-period to Showa-period. But, I like to learn history so I never get tired of studying Japanese history!
