Sunday 21 June 2020

Our University Library 📕1

The University library is one of the most important facilities for us, students, but there are some differences between our University library and others such as the libraries of elementary school, junior high, and high school. 

The differences between the libraries  (Most elementary schools and HUES)

  1. Discussion rooms

There are some discussion rooms in our university library. When I was an elementary school student, the school library was a very quiet space and I could only read some books there. Compared to that, in the university library,  we can discuss a lot of things with our friends. In other words, the university library is the place not only to read but also to share ideas with others. It has become my most favorite place in the Hokkaido University of Education. I always use it! ðŸ˜‰ 

  1. Technology

The university library is larger than those in elementary schools. There are tons of books, so how to find the book you need is important. There are some computers in the library. We can find a book using the internet search system! It is similar to city libraries, isn’t it?😄

Also, we can reserve books. I haven’t used a reservation system before, so I can tell you no information.😅 If you are interested in this system, please try to use it and tell me how it was!

In the next blog post, I want to tell you other points of our university library. (Sasa)


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