Saturday 4 July 2020

Welcome party for new students

Today, I’d like to explain the welcome party for new students. The student self-government association holds this gathering on the weekend in April after the entrance ceremony every year. We couldn’t hold it this year due to coronavirus, so I’d like to introduce this event for people who don’t know what participants do and what kind of preparation is done.


The period of preparation starts from October. The meetings are held about a few times a month. Many circles participate in these meetings to advertise their own circles for new students. They are required to decide what to do when introducing circles or when new students try to join circles. For the introduction, some of them make a movie to show what the members often do and how the atmosphere is. Others practice their performance so that new students can actually see their activity. While new students try to join circles, senior students can communicate with new students. It enables them to widen their chance to invite people who haven’t decided which circles are good for them. Everybody rehearses to make the event a success.

The day

On that day, new students are divided into groups and enjoy some games getting along with members of their groups. The most exciting game is Bingo! There are a lot of gorgeous prizes. I think most people want to get pair ticket for Tokyo Disney Resort. During the time new students can see circle activities, they can enjoy talking with many people over some drinks and sweets. They can also get information about campus life.


There are many good points about this event, so why don’t you pay attention to the latest information?

Here is the information that was planned this year. (Aoi)


  1. Hi Aoi,
    Last year, I joined the welcome paty as a freshman.
    I had a good time because I could learn about our university and made new friends!
    Honoka K

    1. Hi Honoka!
      I'm happy to hear that! Please participate this event next year as a senior.
