Sunday 19 July 2020

English Education Course

Hi, I’m Ririka! How have you been recently? 

As you may know, I’m a second-grade student at Hokkaido university of education. Especially, I learn English education. Because I’ve wanted to be an English teacher since I was a middle school student. So, I belong to English education course. Today, I’d like to introduce my class to you!

Maybe, almost all the students in this course want to be an English teacher. So, we have a lot of opportunities to observe some school classes to get knowledge. For example, when I was a first-grade student, I could visit schools two times on basic practical training. Then, I learnt lots of points on how to teach English from the teacher. If you want to be a teacher, I think it would be a very good experience for you. So, you should enter this course.

However, there are some students who don't want to be teachers. If you have the same thoughts, you don’t have to worry about it. Because, in this course, there are some seminars. Of course, we have a seminar for English education. But, there is a seminar for English linguistics as well. Therefore, if you don’t want to be an English teacher, I suggest you should join the latter one.

Also, I would like to tell you about the most important thing. It’s my friends. If you enter this class, you can encounter awesome friends. In fact, I’ve built wonderful relationships with my classmates. They are special to my life. I believe they are super sympathetic, incredible and clever! So, I’m overjoyed when I’m with them. I think I’m glad I joined this course from the bottom of my heart.  

*I’m sorry. I don’t have any suitable photos of my classmates for this blog. Please imagine~😭

If you are interested in this course, please visit this website. I think you can see more information regarding the English education course.

I hope you have lovely days. Probably, the next post is the last one. I’m so sorrowful but I’m looking forward to it!



  1. Hi RIrika
    I'm so happy to have you as a friend.
    I'd like to try something interesting with you in the rest of the 3 years.

  2. Hi Ririka,
    I like the atmosphere in English class.
    I'm majoring in social studies education but I'm of two minds whether I try to get the English teacher's license or not......

  3. Hi, Ririka!
    I miss you so much.
    I hope to take a class together next semester.
