Saturday 4 July 2020

Come on Ishikari!

Ishikari is a city next to Sapporo and I live there.

Today, I’ll introduce Ishikari. 

After you read this, you will want to go there!

Ishikari is surrounded by sea, so there is a lot of beaches. I’ll tell you about the most famous one.

This name is "Asobeach Ishikari"

Maybe, people who live in Sapporo have visited once. It takes about 40 minutes to come from Sapporo. This is a great beach because we can BBQ, lend floats and buy many things at the sea house. 

Moreover, there are various facilities around Asobeach.

For example a big park, a cafe and a hot spring. Next, I’ll tell you about the hot spring.

This picture is the hot spring called  "Banya-no-yu". It is very near to Asobeach. It takes only 8 minutes. You can not only take a bath but also see an animal in there.

This is the animal!!

Yes, this is a capybara. Her name is Yuki. You can view her at 12:00~18:00 everyday.

In conclusion, you can heal fatigue if you take a bath and to watch capybara.

There are a lot of good spots in Ishikari, but I’ve written about only two spots today. 

If you want to know more about Ishikari have a look at this site. You maybe can get enough information. 


Sadly we can't visit Asobeach because of the coronavirus. 

So you want to come to Ishikari in summer, I recommend after next season. › site › sightseeing-guide

Thank you,



  1. Hi Momoka,
    I have visited banya-no-yu many times. I think we can relax there very much.

  2. Hi Momoka,
    The capybara is so sweat! I want to go to Banya-no-yu right now!!


  3. Hi Momoka,
    I have been to Ishikari once, but I don't know these spot!
    I want to visit to Asobeach Ishikari someday.

  4. Hi Momoka,
    I went to Asobeach Ishikari when I was an elementary school student.
    It's good place to have a great summer.

  5. Hi, Momoka.
    Capybara’s picture is so funny!
    I want to go Asobeach Ishikari in this summer!

  6. Hi Momoka. I like swimming in Asobeach and I also go Banya-no-yu. Rika
