Tuesday 7 July 2020

My Favorite Sushi Restaurant

Hokkaido is famous for fresh seafood. You should eat sushi in Hokkaido.

Nagoyaka-Tei is one of the wonderful sushi restaurants in Hokkaido. It is a chain store and it has nine stores in Sapporo. It was established in Kushiro which is one of the gourmet cities in Hokkaido.

At the restaurant, you can eat more than 100 kinds of sushi. They are very delicious because the fish is delivered directly from the ocean.

You should order kobore-ikura. Ikura is called salmon roe in English. You can see your plate filled to the brim with ikura. You can also see the cook’s performance then. They play the naruko and the

Japanese drum with loudly!

You can eat other hot dishes, for example udon, soba, imomochi and zangi. You should order zanigi which is a well-known meat dish in Kushiro. It is sweet and salty!

You can also enjoy traditional Japanese culture at the restaurant. There is a traditional Japanese roof which is called kawara-yane in the restaurant. It is amazing! And you can listen to J-pop which is arranged with Japanese traditional musical instruments. It is a beautiful sound. 

You can enjoy not only delicious sushi but also wonderful Japanese culture if you go to Nagoyaka-Tei!!

↓↓Please check it. ↓↓



  1. I like sushi, but I haven't eaten sushi at Nagoyaka-Tei, so I would like to go there! Ayano.

  2. I like Nagoyaka-tei too!
    My favorite is tuna.

  3. I have never been to Nagoyakatei.But I know TV commercial, and cock's kobore-ikura performance is funy. Are they really so busy?
