Saturday 4 July 2020

My favorite Place in the East of Sapporo Vol.1

Today, I will introduce my favorite place. It is a park named Satoland, which is located in the eastern part of Sapporo. It has a lot of attractive points, so I have been there many times!

We can enjoy making butter and caramel candy made with plenty of cream there. I think the experience in which we can harvest vegetables grown on a farm of Satoland is very interesting. Vegetables which we can harvest vary depending on season, for example, we can harvest asparagus in March and June and blueberries from July to September. In autumn, sweet potatoes are harvested there. 

一番人気は収穫体験! 北海道の恵みを自分の手で-3

There is a place where we are allowed to have a barbecue, so people visit the park to enjoy having a barbecue during summer vacation. When I was an elementary school student, I went there with my family.


Visitors can interact with animals such as sheep, goats, and rabbits and feed them in the summer. They are friendly so children can feed them too. Near the petting zone, visitors enjoy riding a carriage. As described, there are a lot of places to contact animals. If you go there, your mind will be healed.




This park is as big as 14 Sapporo Domes, so it’s good for visitors to rent a bicycle to get around the park.

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Satoland is a great place to experience a lot of things while having fun! I highly recommend this place to you! 


  1. Hi,
    I like Satoland too. I harvested green soybeans and ate them on a school excursion. I enjoyed that!!

  2. Hi, Mifuyu,
    I'm happy that you like Satoland. I went there on a school excursion! Ayano.

  3. Hi,
    When I went to Satoland, I was a little kid, and I was afraid to touch animals. If I have a chance to go again, I want to touch them.
