Friday 31 July 2020


Hi everybody :D 

This is my final post and I'd like to write about ESS! First of all, do you know ESS? This stands for English Speaking Society. It's been about two months since we initiated this society. When I was a first grade student, I was looking for a society that I'm interested in but I couldn't find anything. Then, I began to wonder if our school had a club related to English.  Last winter, I noticed one of my friends was thinking about the same things as me. It is a still precious moment for me and makes me feel I have a peer who has same motivation towards English. So, we started ESS with great support from Andy.

We normally have a session on Wednesday at 12:00-13:00 on zoom. The main activities are talking casually, playing games or having debates.

Each session has its original activity so it would make you excited. The topics we talk about are different in each session. We discussed what are the good points and downsides of Japan and the news about Yuya Tegoshi last month. Due to this pandemic, we cannot meet face to face but we can stay connected through this club and enhance our speaking skills as well. Now we have almost 30 members who specialize in various fields such as English, Japanese and sociology.  After this pandemic, we will hold a meet-and-greet!

We'll appreciate it if you participate in ESS!

If you're interested in, please send us an e-mail ( Also, we have an official instagram account (@huess.2020).


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