Saturday 4 July 2020

Hansung University Summer school

Hi,I’m Ririka! How are you doing?

Today, I won’t talk about food. I would like to tell you about a study abroad program in my university. My university has a lot of plans for it. In this post, I will tell you about one program which I experienced.

If you are interested in Korea, you should try to apply for the Hansung University Summer school. You can study about korean culture, history, language and cuisine. It is only for two weeks, but I think you’ll be able to absorb a lot of knowledge regarding Korea. If you can’t speak Korean, you don’t have to worry about it. This program has some assistants, who are Korean but can speak Japanese very well. Therefore, even if you have some anxiety, I think you can enjoy your time there. Actually, last summer, I took part in this program with my friend. When I first started to live there, I was very nervous too. However, gradually, I came to love it. So, maybe, I think you won’t want to go back to Japan if you participate in this program. Therefore, you will be able to get some brilliant memories!

Perhaps, you can get an original t-shirt as well. I think it will be one of great souvenirs. 

Also, I have to tell you about an important thing. It is to write a report regarding your study abroad experience after you come back to Japan. If you do not, you can’t get the score. So, don’t forget it!!

As mentioned earlier, there are a lot of plans for studying abroad in my university. I hope you can find one which matches your life.

Thank you for reading. See you in the next post!!



  1. Hi Ririka,
    I'm fascinated in summer exchange program! It looks very interesting.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Yu,
      This is a great experience for me. If you take part in it, you can get amazing memories as well!!!
