Thursday 22 July 2021

Shin-Sapporo -The subcenter of Sapporo-

Hi, I’m Nanami. Today, I’d like to introduce my hometown Shin-Sapporo. The name “Shin-Sapporo” is not the name of a town, city, or ward. Shin-Sapporo is named as the sub center of Sapporo in 1973 and in 1975, the project to develop Shin-Sapporo started. 

In the project, to make Shin-Sapporo attractive, public facilities like the ward office, a library, commercial facilities like shopping mall or aquarium, hotels and medical facilities were constructed together around Shin-Sapporo Station.

Here, I ‘d like to introduce some popular facilities.


Sunpiazza Aquarium


Science Museum


Shopping mall


Because of these attractive facilities, many people of all generations visit Shin-Sapporo.

In addition to these facilities, its location is also the attractive point of Shin-Sapporo. Shin-Sapporo Station connects JR Lines and Subway lines and there is also a big bus terminal. Because of this, it is convenient for people from around Sapporo.


These days, to make Shin-Sapporo more convenient, the new project is undergoing. It is planned to construct a new big parking area and a general hospital by 2023. If this plan succeeds 2 years later, Shin-Sapporo will become a more convenient and attractive place and more and more people will visit there. I am waiting for you to come and enjoy Shin-Sapporo.

Thank you for reading!

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