Tuesday 6 July 2021


 Hi everyone!


Today, I’m going to tell you about my favorite sweet shop in Tomakomai.


I will introduce Mitsuboshi.

So many tasty sweets are sold at this shop, for example cakes, dorayaki, and yokan.

苫小牧 三星 どらやき に対する画像結果

It is very famous for some unique sweets, especially Yoitomake.

It is one of the best cakes of Mitsuboshi.

Firstly, I would like to tell you about the meaning of Yoitomake.

In the past, in Tomakomai, there were so many people who worked at a paper mill.

They had to cut down plenty of wood to make paper.

Then they shouted “Yoitomake” to encourage each other when they carried heavy wood.

Yoitomake is derived from worker’s voices, also the shape of Yoitomake is a log like this picture. It is so interesting, isn't it?

 苫小牧 三星 に対する画像結果

Haskap is necessary to make Yoitomake. Haskap is a tasty fruit, however, it is hard to get it because it is rare and difficult to grow naturally, there are few places that are comfortable for haskap to grow. Moreover it is so hard to preserve its freshness.

Yoitomake is famous for being difficult to eat because it is extremely sticky.

I would like you to try it!

There are some shops in Sapporo, you can get it easily!

In this COVID-19 situation, you have few options to relax, it is good for you to have tasty sweets!


See you next time, bye!



(Resource : Official website of Mitsuboshi)

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