Thursday 8 July 2021

Mountain Aquarium

Mountain Aquarium 

Hi, I'm Ichiyo.

Do you like aquariums? I like them because I think the movements of marine organisms are more beautiful than those of animals. In the future, I really want to make a tour of

aquariums all around the world.

In Hokkaido, there are 14 aquariums in all. Now, I will introduce Mountain Aquarium, which is one of Hokkaido's aquariums.

Mountain Aquarium is located in Rubeshibe-cho, Kitami, Hokkaido. It was built not near the sea but at the bottom of Daisetsuzan, so it is surrounded by mountains. The marine organisms which are exhibited there are mainly some kinds of Hokkaido fish that live in rivers such as Ito, Osholocoma, Himemas and so on.

In Mountain Aquarium, there are three worthy points.

First, we can see swimming fish under a frozen river in winter.

In Rubeshibe-cho, very cold weather will last during winter, so all rivers are frozen by low temperature. The fish which we can see in this place will seem tough. I heard the frozen river tank is the first attempt in the world.

Second, we can see swimming fish in the basin of a waterfall.

There are many fish which don't want to be swept away and swim beautifully and strongly, and we can see them by looking up from below.

Third, we can see the biggest Ito in Japan.

Ito is the biggest freshwater fish which belongs to the salmon family. In Japan, it is confirmed to live only in one area of Hokkaido, so it is called 'a rare fish'.There, we can see a lot of Ito which size  is  about 1 meter in a very big water tank. If you go there at the beginning of May, you might see some red Ito which are dyed in marriage color.


If you like marine organisms especially river fish, you will never be sorry to visit Mountain 



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