Thursday 22 July 2021

Maruyama Zoo

 History of Maruyama Zoo

In 1950, Sapporo invented a mobile zoo from Ueno Zoo in Tokyo. This event was very popular and people in Sapporo wanted to build a zoo. Therefore Maruyama Zoo was started on May 5th in 1951 as Hokkaido’s first zoo. There were two brown bears, a deer and sea eagle at first, but animals gradually increased and facilities were developed. So, 1,240,000 people, equal to the population of Hokkaido, visited Maruyama Zoo in 1974.


We can see polar bears at Maruyama Zoo. In fact, there is a big flume so we can see swimming polar bears from under the water. Also, there are some experience-based tours such as the refrigerator tour. We can see food in the refrigerator which we can’t usually see with explanations of zookeepers in the refrigerator tour. If you want to join this tour, please get a numbered ticket as soon as possible because the first 6 people can join.


In Maruyama Zoo, there are not only animals but also some shops such as gift shops and restaurants. We can buy cute straps or eat delicious food. Dany's restaurant is the most popular. We can eat galette there. Actually, this galette by a french chef won a gold prize at a competition. It is also a good idea to go to the Maruyama Zoo to eat this galette.


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