Saturday 3 July 2021


 What is Haskap?

It is a turquoise colored fruit like a blueberry. Haskap has cream-colored flowers in spring and oval-shaped fruits are produced in summer. When you harvest  the berries, you have to do it by hand and be careful. Haskap is very delicate due to containing much water and its skin thinness. Also Haskap is mainly produced in Hokkaido such as Tomakomai or Shiretoko because cold regions are suitable for this fruit to grow.  So haskap is rare.

Haskap tastes very sour but it contains rich nutrition and protects us from anemia or osteoporosis. So haskap is called perpetual youth and longevity fruit.

Haskap and Hokkaido

The name haskap comes from the Ainu language, Hashikapu. Hashikapu means a little present on the end of the branch.

Haskap has grown in Sakhalin and Siberia a long time ago. Several different kinds of migratory birds come to Japan in autumn every year. So, they brought the Haskap’s seeds to Hokkaido.

There are so many popular haskap-flavored sweets in Hokkaido. Today, I will introduce some of those sweets which are related to haskap.

The first one is haskap jewelry. This sweet is made from cookies, butter creme, chocolate, and haskap jam.


The next one is haskap jelly. This jelly tastes sweet and sour. You can enjoy it at a normal temperature, but my recommendation is to freeze this jelly. It tastes like sorbet.

The sweets made from haskaps are really tasty, so I want you to try them someday.

Yurie, Ayame

北海道特産果実「ハスカップ」の魅力とは?不老長寿と言われる理由! – こだわりのもり、おいしさのもと morimoto|北海道千歳市の菓子工房 もりもとのウェブサイトへようこそ (

ハスカップとは?どんな果物?どんな味?特徴・効能や食べ方を紹介!(2ページ目) | BOTANICA (

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