Wednesday 21 July 2021

Fireworks Displays in Hokkaido

Do you like fireworks? And have you ever been to some fireworks displays? There are a lot of fireworks displays in Hokkaido. So we will introduce some of them in Hokkaido.

Hakodate Marine Winter Fireworks

 We usually see fireworks in summer, but there is a fireworks display in Hakodate in winter. It is said that the air in winter is clearer than in summer. It means that we can see more beautiful fireworks. What is more, we can enjoy eating some food such as takoyaki, crepes, yakitori and so on there.

In this display, the photo contest is held, therefore if you can take beautiful photos, why don’t you apply for the contest? I want to show some award-winning photos.

If you are interested in these photos, please click here.フォトコンテスト| 函館海上冬花火 <公式> (

Moere Swamp Art Fireworks Festival

The biggest feature of this firework festival is that we can enjoy not only fireworks but also music. In some usual firework festivals, there are only fireworks. But in this fire festival, tons of fireworks shoot in the sky with some famous songs. 

One cational point is that if you want to see fireworks, it costs at least 8000 yen per person.  But this festival is worth seeing!

Here is the website.

モエレ沼芸術花火2021|札幌市|モエレ沼公園 (

Lake Toya Long-run Firework Festival

Have you ever been to Lake Toya? Lake Toya is famous for hot springs.

This time, I will introduce Lake Toya Long-run Firework Festival. This is a popular firework festival in Hokkaido.

This firework festival is held from April 28th to October 31st.

At that time, fireworks are set off every night for 20 minutes from 20:45 to 21:05.

450 Fireworks are set off a day!

You can see fireworks from not only lakeside but also from a sightseeing boat.   

The schedule might change because of  Covid-19. You should check the schedule frequently.  

This is the website.   

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