Saturday 10 July 2021

Historical Village of Hokkaido

Historical Village of Hokkaido

(You can’t visit here until July 11th because of COVID-19)

Hey guys! It’s me again. I’m Taisei, and I’ll introduce “Historical Village of Hokkaido”. 

Historical Village of Hokkaido is an outdoor museum that reproduced old buildings of Hokkaido. You can enjoy the atmosphere when Hokkaido was developed.

There are 52 old constructions and they are categorized into 4 sections.

①Urban group

②Fishing village group

③Rural group

④Mountain village group

①Urban group

This group consists of a shopping street, residential area, and so on.

②Fishing village group

This group consists of fishing facilities that developed on the coast of the Sea of Japan.

③Rural groupThis group consists of old unique constructions of Hokkaido.

④Mountain village group

This group consists of recreated old facilities that used to make use of the source of mountains.

Actually, I have visited here a lot and my recommendation is to see “selling bananas at discount prices”. This is one of the events, which an old man sells bananas at discount prices with his funny conversation. 

Besides that, you can enjoy lots of events.

Here is the map of Historical Village of Hokkaido.


Address 50-1 Konopporo, Atsubetsu-cho, Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo

Entrance fee ordinary:800yen

                       High school and college student:600yen

                      Under 15years old: for free

Parking area: for free


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The legendary fairy of Hokkaido, “Koropokkuru”

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