Friday 23 July 2021

Sea urchin festival in Erimo

 Hi everyone, I’m Yuka. Today, I would like to introduce the Sea urchin festival.

The Sea urchin festival is held in Erimo, Hokkaido, at the end of April every year. Last year and this year, it was canceled due to COVID-19, but it has been held nine times.

Here you can buy delicious sea urchins grown in Erimo in limited quantities at a low price. Many people come every year from all over Hokkaido and outside Hokkaido, and many people line up to buy it early in the morning. 

Sea urchins raised eating Hidaka kelp are exquisite with a feeling of incense of the sea, melt-in-the-mouth and sweetness. I think that it is a good opportunity to eat spring sea urchins grown in Erimo.

There are events and shops, and there is a lot of fun. For example, there are rock, paper, scissors competition which you get a chance to grab sea urchins, and mochi-maki competition which specialty products are won. There is also a barbecue corner where you can use it to grill and eat fresh seafood on the spot. My recommendation is to eat a rice bowl with a lot of sea urchins on it luxuriously. It is very delicious, so I want you to try it.

That’s all for today. By all means, please go to the Sea urchin festival and enjoy the sea urchins! I hope the COVID-19 goes away quickly and is held again. Thank you for reading this blog.

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