Wednesday 21 July 2021

Bibai's local cuisine

 Bibai’s local cuisine

Hi, I’m Aino. Do you know where Bibai is? It’s here!

Bibai has local cuisine. One of those is Yakitori. It is usually called Bibai Yakitori. This time, Bibai Yakitori is my topic!

What are the differences between Bibai Yakitori and others?

  1. One skewer has many kinds of meat and internal organs.

        Most yakitori have one kind of meat on each skewer. However, Bibai Yakitori has one chicken thighs, liver, chicken skin, gizzards, hearts, and so on. So, we can taste many kinds of meat and internal organs with one skewer.

  1. It has onions, not green onions.

Generally, Yakitori has green onions. But in the Bibai Yakitori case, it has onions. This is because many onions are produced in Bibai. So, it is easier and cheaper to get onions than green onions.

Who came up with?

It is said that the inventor is Fukutaro Mifune. Around 1955, he thought the waste of internal organs was wasteful. Then he made yakitori which has many kinds of meat and internal organs of chicken. His invention became popular among local people and now all over Hokkaido. In Bibai, local people have Bibai yakitori on ceremonial occasions and sometimes they buy it a lot at once. This means Bibai Yakitori is loved by local people.

 If you have a chance to visit Bibai, search for a yakitori shop and taste it!!

 Bibai city hall (HP)


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