Thursday 22 July 2021

Asahiyama Zoo

About Asahiyama Zoo

Today, I’m going to introduce Asahiyama zoo. Asahiyama zoo is the northernmost zoo in Japan, and located in the middle of Hokkaido. 

You can see a lot of animals from various angles. For example, in the glass tunnel through the penguin pool, you can enjoy flying fish. You can also enjoy passing seals from all sides by watching a glass pipe called “Marine Way.”

Asahiyama zoo opened in 1967. This zoo is popular these days. However, it was not easy to increase the number of visitors. The curator had a great effort to attract a lot of tourists. As a result, there are more and more visitors every year. In 2006, over 2,060,000 people visited this zoo.

There are many events in Asahiyama zoo.

1.Eating foods time

It is held every day. Zookeepers feed animals while simultaneously introducing their feature for visitors. Visitors can learn more about animals and take a lot of their pictures. Zookeepers are always responsible for controlling their health and growing them. So we are able to learn precious knowledge which is not published.


It is held from 13:30 on Sunday and national holidays. Zookeepers introduce distinctive animals. Every time, their lectures are very thoughtful and interesting. I think it is useful for everyone who wants to learn what features an animal has. In this event, this future theme is changed every time so local people can enjoy the event too. In one point of guidance, zookeepers talk using specialised knowledge.

3. Touching animals

There is a park called “Children’s Ranch” in Asahiyama zoo. It is the only place where people can contact animals. Visitors can touch rabbits or marmots at a certain time every day. Because children are able to observe animals directly and physically, this event is a very precious opportunity to learn more about animals for children. They can know an animal's body temperature, smell, and feeling.

4.Penguin walk

It is held only in winter. Penguins walk the road near us sometimes per a day and visitors can only see them. The purpose of this event is to show visitors the king penguin’s trait which goes to get feed  to sea as a group . In addition, walking in this event  helps penguins to address their lack of exercise too. So this event is essential for both penguins and visitors. 

Ayame, Ayano


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