Wednesday 21 July 2021



Hi, I’m Momoka. Today, I’ll tell you about “melon guma”. 

 Do you know about it? Have you ever seen it? It is certified as an official character in Yubari ,Hokkaido. Normally, these kinds of characters are called “yuruchara”, but… if you have seen it before, you never think that melonguma is “yuruchara”. Because, its appearance is not “yuru”.

“yuru” means to have cute or pretty looks, but “melonguma” is not cute, not pretty. Its face is really really grotesque. 

 The yuruchara are drawn with exaggerated faces as usual, but melonguma’s face is modeled after a real bear’s face, so it is not cute, but grotesque and scary. But, this not yuru face has an important role. Before telling that, I’ll show you melonguma’s profile. 

 He is a bear who lives in the mountains of Yubari.  He sometimes devoured the Yubari melon, and recently there are rumors that he eats humans, like that…

Even adults are scared in front of it, so children always cry because of fright. And he is too dangerous, ( because he attacks people…) so sometimes he is captured. But, actually,he is also a kind bear who really loves Yubari and supports Yubari and the citizens there.  He is famous outside Hokkaido.  Among the many yuruchara, his name is well known. He is sometimes invited to big events outside of Hokkaido to climb the stage. He is in the spotlight among the world of yuruchara, so he always keeps in his mind to let many people know about Yubari through himself.  He makes such scary moves and makes children cry because he wants many people to know about Yubari.  He can't be a mediocre bear just because he cares about Yubari.That is why, his face is not yuru.

 Did you know about melonguma? If you are interested in him, please visit Yubari, and meet him.

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