Friday 23 July 2021

Cafes at Maruyama and Miyanomori

Cafes at Maruyama and Miyanomori

Hi everyone! Today I'd like to introduce cafes at Maruyama and Miyanomori.

Buses don’t stop very often in Miyanomori, but there are a lot of nice cafes.

Firstly, i will introduce Okurayama Tsukimisou Coffee.

This cafe is near Okurayama Jump Stadium and about 15 minutes by bus from Maruyama Park.

The left one is Melon Parfait and we can have this in Autumn. Usually there is Strawberry parfait. This cafe is surrounded by beautiful nature and the view from here is very good.

Secondly, I will introduce my favorite cafe, Maruyama Saryo.

This cafe is famous for Zenzai. Zenzai is sweet, thick bean soup with rice cakes or 

dumplings in it. Also this cafe is famous for a mascot cat. 

Thirdly, I will introduce Fuwatto.

This cafe is famous for Pancakes among young girls.

Also, I love this omelette. The combination of white sauce and demi glace sauce is great. 

I know this is far from Maruyama station, but please visit these cafes!

Thank you for visiting my blog!  See you soon!

Links:Maruyama Saryo

        Okurayama Tsukimisou Coffee


Sea urchin festival in Erimo

 Hi everyone, I’m Yuka. Today, I would like to introduce the Sea urchin festival.

The Sea urchin festival is held in Erimo, Hokkaido, at the end of April every year. Last year and this year, it was canceled due to COVID-19, but it has been held nine times.

Here you can buy delicious sea urchins grown in Erimo in limited quantities at a low price. Many people come every year from all over Hokkaido and outside Hokkaido, and many people line up to buy it early in the morning. 

Sea urchins raised eating Hidaka kelp are exquisite with a feeling of incense of the sea, melt-in-the-mouth and sweetness. I think that it is a good opportunity to eat spring sea urchins grown in Erimo.

There are events and shops, and there is a lot of fun. For example, there are rock, paper, scissors competition which you get a chance to grab sea urchins, and mochi-maki competition which specialty products are won. There is also a barbecue corner where you can use it to grill and eat fresh seafood on the spot. My recommendation is to eat a rice bowl with a lot of sea urchins on it luxuriously. It is very delicious, so I want you to try it.

That’s all for today. By all means, please go to the Sea urchin festival and enjoy the sea urchins! I hope the COVID-19 goes away quickly and is held again. Thank you for reading this blog.

Museum Abashiri Prison

 Hey guys. It’s me again. I’m Taisei. Today, I’ll introduce Museum Abashiri Prison. It is an outdoor history museum that preserves and opens the old building of Abashiri Prison, which has been deeply involved with Abashiri City since the Meiji era. At that time ,the criminals were sent to the undeveloped land, Hokkaido, and they worked very hard under the mission of cultivating Hokkaido paying for their crimes. A lot of criminals were there like the image below.

But now, we can visit and experience a lot of things there.

For example, there is a menu that you can experience the various tasks performed by the prison criminals at the time.

In addition, you can see mannequins that imitate those days like below.

The image above is the single prison cell that criminals were most afraid of at the time.

Here is the leaflet of it.


Address 1-1, Yobito, Abashiri-shi, Hokkaido 099-2421

Entrance :Open all year round 9:00~17:00 (Opening hours vary depending on the time of year.) Admission is up to 1 hour before closing time.

Entrance fee ordinary: 1,100 yen

                       High school and college student: 770 yen

                      Under 15years old: 550 yen

Parking area: for free


Thursday 22 July 2021

Shin-Sapporo -The subcenter of Sapporo-

Hi, I’m Nanami. Today, I’d like to introduce my hometown Shin-Sapporo. The name “Shin-Sapporo” is not the name of a town, city, or ward. Shin-Sapporo is named as the sub center of Sapporo in 1973 and in 1975, the project to develop Shin-Sapporo started. 

In the project, to make Shin-Sapporo attractive, public facilities like the ward office, a library, commercial facilities like shopping mall or aquarium, hotels and medical facilities were constructed together around Shin-Sapporo Station.

Here, I ‘d like to introduce some popular facilities.


Sunpiazza Aquarium


Science Museum


Shopping mall


Because of these attractive facilities, many people of all generations visit Shin-Sapporo.

In addition to these facilities, its location is also the attractive point of Shin-Sapporo. Shin-Sapporo Station connects JR Lines and Subway lines and there is also a big bus terminal. Because of this, it is convenient for people from around Sapporo.


These days, to make Shin-Sapporo more convenient, the new project is undergoing. It is planned to construct a new big parking area and a general hospital by 2023. If this plan succeeds 2 years later, Shin-Sapporo will become a more convenient and attractive place and more and more people will visit there. I am waiting for you to come and enjoy Shin-Sapporo.

Thank you for reading!

Japanese Tea Ceremony

Hi everyone, I'm Momoe.

Today, I will introduce the Japanese Tea Ceremony.

Do you know about the Japanese Tea Ceremony?

This is called "Sado" in Japan. 

The tea ceremony originally took place in China. After that, it was introduced from China to Japan, and it was completed by Sen-no-Rikyū in the Azuchi-Momoyama Period.

Do you know "Matcha"?

It is a powdered green tea, or a Japanese drink made by adding hot water to it and rapidly beating it with a bamboo whisk. It is served to guests at the tea ceremony.

Some people think matcha tastes sweet today, but it's not true.

It is bitter, so many people don't like it today.

However, it was such a precious drink that it was once used as a medicine. Therefore, it is a drink that has a very good effect on people's health.

During the tea ceremony, you can spend a quiet time enjoying matcha and Japanese sweets called Wagashi.

In the tea ceremony, wagashi is served suitable for the season.

The wagashi which has a goldfish design are often released in the summer.

There are many schools in the tea ceremony, so the manners are various. I belong to Yamato Ensyuryu. Other famous schools are Omotesenke and Urasenke.

There is a kind of tea ceremony called Nodate. It is a tea ceremony performed in the open air. You can enjoy green tea or powdered tea outside.

It's a very luxurious time to drink matcha outside with the cold wind on a hot summer day.

It is currently restricted due to the influence of the COVID-19, but I hope that the COVID-19 will go away and we can have the tea ceremony as before.

That’s all for today. Thank you for reading my blog :D

Banei Horse Racing

 What is Banei Horse Racing?

Banei Horse Racing is a kind of Japanese horse racing in which horses pull heavy sleds for 200 meters. During the races, they must go over two obstacles with sleds which are more than 500 kilograms. On the sleds, jockeys are balancing and instructing. Their techniques are so important because they have to think about how to overcome the obstacles. The race is finished when the sleds cross the finish line. You can buy betting tickets if you are over 20. Actually, Banei Horse Racing is held throughout the whole year only in Obihiro, Hokkaido. You can enjoy the races not only in the daytime but also at night there. To go to the racecourse, you can get the bus from Obihiro station and Obihiro airport.  

Banei Horse Racing started in 1964. But it was a kind of entertainment for sellers in Hokkaido before it was admitted as horse racing. Clearing land in Hokkaido needed horses to carry heavy wood and cultivate large fields. People made use of these horses and enjoyed competing horse’s power, letting horses lead sledges and holding a festival to release people from daily work. Well, that race was held in Asahikawa and Iwamizawa for the first time. At first, it didn’t have detailed rules, so it was busy as people rapidly made them and told jockeys rules just before the race. As the time went by and Banei horse racing established a position as a horse racing, gradually the competition became popular.

Banei Horse Racing is different from normal horse racing. The large difference is whether to lead a sledge or not. Horses used in the race, normally called Bannba, are twice as large as thoroughbreds because of it. Also there are some obstacles like a hill on the fields and Bannba has to run over them. Maybe it’s because people enjoy watching Bannbas’ strong power. 

Marimo, Yurie

ばんえい競馬とは?競馬のサラブレッドとの4つの違い|イチのメモ帳 ( 

Fair trade cafe, MIntaru

      Fair trade cafe, MIntaru

I would like to introduce you to a café in Sapporo called Mintaru. This name came from the Ainu language, which means square or a place where people gather. Goods being sold in this shop are what people bought with fair prices from developing countries,fair trade. They sell a variety of foods from around the world such as Nepal curry.

The shop owner went to several Asian and African countries when she was a high school and university student. At that time, the poverty that spread in front of her made her think about if there was something she could do for poverty. Then she started to think about that seriously. As a result, she opened her own café in Sapporo. She thought she would be able to help producers suffering from poverty if she bought products from developing countries at a fair price.

She still goes to some developing countries in Asia and buys products in person, not in an online store because she wants to tell a lot of the stories behind the products that are sold in the shop.

Also, there is a space where you can hold an event or a workshop. These activities take place every day. This is another reason she wanted to open the café. You don’t have to pay any money to use the venue. Many people have made presentations or speeches there. For example, there was a student who wanted to talk about their experiences in other countries, and a woman who wanted to talk about her experience of giving birth at home.

There are only four tables there, so you tend to sit down with strangers. This creates an environment where everybody is talked to and gets along, even if you went there by yourself.

She wants you to come there freely and with an open mind so what you experience there encourages you to try something new.


Asahiyama Zoo

About Asahiyama Zoo

Today, I’m going to introduce Asahiyama zoo. Asahiyama zoo is the northernmost zoo in Japan, and located in the middle of Hokkaido. 

You can see a lot of animals from various angles. For example, in the glass tunnel through the penguin pool, you can enjoy flying fish. You can also enjoy passing seals from all sides by watching a glass pipe called “Marine Way.”

Asahiyama zoo opened in 1967. This zoo is popular these days. However, it was not easy to increase the number of visitors. The curator had a great effort to attract a lot of tourists. As a result, there are more and more visitors every year. In 2006, over 2,060,000 people visited this zoo.

There are many events in Asahiyama zoo.

1.Eating foods time

It is held every day. Zookeepers feed animals while simultaneously introducing their feature for visitors. Visitors can learn more about animals and take a lot of their pictures. Zookeepers are always responsible for controlling their health and growing them. So we are able to learn precious knowledge which is not published.


It is held from 13:30 on Sunday and national holidays. Zookeepers introduce distinctive animals. Every time, their lectures are very thoughtful and interesting. I think it is useful for everyone who wants to learn what features an animal has. In this event, this future theme is changed every time so local people can enjoy the event too. In one point of guidance, zookeepers talk using specialised knowledge.

3. Touching animals

There is a park called “Children’s Ranch” in Asahiyama zoo. It is the only place where people can contact animals. Visitors can touch rabbits or marmots at a certain time every day. Because children are able to observe animals directly and physically, this event is a very precious opportunity to learn more about animals for children. They can know an animal's body temperature, smell, and feeling.

4.Penguin walk

It is held only in winter. Penguins walk the road near us sometimes per a day and visitors can only see them. The purpose of this event is to show visitors the king penguin’s trait which goes to get feed  to sea as a group . In addition, walking in this event  helps penguins to address their lack of exercise too. So this event is essential for both penguins and visitors. 

Ayame, Ayano


旭山動物園の歴史 | 北海道の歴史 (

ポイントは「もぐもぐタイム」!旭川市旭山動物園を120%楽しむ方法│観光・行ガイド - ぐるたび (

イベントスケジュールと紹介| 旭川市 旭山動物園 (

Maruyama Zoo

 History of Maruyama Zoo

In 1950, Sapporo invented a mobile zoo from Ueno Zoo in Tokyo. This event was very popular and people in Sapporo wanted to build a zoo. Therefore Maruyama Zoo was started on May 5th in 1951 as Hokkaido’s first zoo. There were two brown bears, a deer and sea eagle at first, but animals gradually increased and facilities were developed. So, 1,240,000 people, equal to the population of Hokkaido, visited Maruyama Zoo in 1974.


We can see polar bears at Maruyama Zoo. In fact, there is a big flume so we can see swimming polar bears from under the water. Also, there are some experience-based tours such as the refrigerator tour. We can see food in the refrigerator which we can’t usually see with explanations of zookeepers in the refrigerator tour. If you want to join this tour, please get a numbered ticket as soon as possible because the first 6 people can join.


In Maruyama Zoo, there are not only animals but also some shops such as gift shops and restaurants. We can buy cute straps or eat delicious food. Dany's restaurant is the most popular. We can eat galette there. Actually, this galette by a french chef won a gold prize at a competition. It is also a good idea to go to the Maruyama Zoo to eat this galette.


Wednesday 21 July 2021

Local Mascots in Hokkaido

 Jingisukan No Jin Kun

I will introduce Jingisukan No Jin Kun.

Jingisukan is a local food in Hokkaido. It is grilled mutton and vegetables with special sauce.   

Jin Kun is the official Sapporo mascot. Asako Hashi designed him.


He is a lamb. In human years, he is 4 years old.

He is from Hitsujigaoka. 

He put on jingisukan pot with some vegetables in it. 

He has some friends, Gisu Kun, Kan Kun and Matagi No Momiji Chan.

He got first place in the Local Mascot Tournament in Hokkaido.

Now, Jin Kun is popular all over Japan.

You can meet him at the events and you can buy Jin Kun goods.

If you want to know more, you should check this website! Jingisukan No Jin Kun


Next, I will introduceZu-shi-hokki-. Do you know what it is?

This is the official Hokuto character.

 In 2012, residents in Hokuto started to create a local character in order to get attention. This was because they would open the new station for Hokkaido Shinkansen in 2016.

Zu-shi-hokki- was designed by students in Future University Hakodate and its design comes from a sakhalin surf clam (it is called Hokkigai in Japanese) sushi. 

Also, Its features are the scary face, thin arms and legs, and strange note “Hoki Hoki Hoki-.” 

Though most local characters are famous for their cute visuals, Zu-shi-hokki- is famous for its scary and mysterious visuals. 

And surprisingly, it is more famous than any other characters in Hokuto. When they selected the official character of Hokuto, they took a popularity vote. And as a result, it defeated other characters.

What do you think about Zu-shi-hokki-?

If you are interested in it, why don’t you visit this website?

Hokuto official website

I will introduce Hokkaido’s mascot character Tomachop. 

Tomachop is the mascot of Tomakomai and its motif is a swan. It wears a haskap necklace and a hat with a Sakhalin surf clam on it. 

Even though it is from Utonai Lake, it is not able to swim. But instead, Tomachop is able to skate.

As a Tomakomai tourism ambassador, it is successful and is loved by many.

Melon Bear

Most of japanese local mascots have cute appearances. Therefore, they are generally called ‘cute mascots’. However, there are many mascots that have eccentric appearances like Zu-shi-hokki-, as you saw above. Melon Bear is one of these characters. In addition to his appearance, his characteristic is also violent. So people say “He is not cute though he is in a group called cute mascots.”

Melon Bear is the Yubari’s local mascot. So he appeals to a melon produced in Yubari. 

Hatsune Miku

 Do you know Hatsune Miku?

Hatsune Miku is the most well known Vocaloid software in Japan. It is said that there are over one hundred thousand songs which use her voice. Hatsune Miku was made by Crypton Future Media, Inc. which is a company in Sapporo, Hokkaido. So, her fans think she is from Hokkaido. And cities in Hokkaido sometimes use her as an advertisement. For example, there is a tram wrapped in her design.

If you are interested in her songs, I recommend you to listen to some famous songs below. If you don’t like mechanical voices, you can find covered songs created by a lot of singers called Utaite. When you search these kinds of cover songs, you can use the phrase “歌ってみた” after the name of the song.

Because of her birth place, there is a special edition called Snow Miku.

Snow Miku

Next, I will introduce Snow Miku.

Snow Miku (Yuki Miku) is a character created for the purpose of cheering for Hokkaido.

In 2010, the snow statue of Hatsune Miku was made in Sapporo Snow Festival. This is the start of Snow Miku. Snow Miku is held every year from that time on. (By the way, Snow Miku means both the character itself and the festival.)

The design of Snow Miku is collected from the creators on the Internet every year. Then, the one which is selected is decided as the official design.   

Also, you can see a lot of items collaborating with Snow Miku.

For example, the streetcar, figures, and tin badges.

In particular, the streetcar is so popular for fans, and every year many fans try to take pictures. The reason why it is so popular is the quality.

The annual outward design is wonderful and the announcement in it is her own voice. (Normally the driver announces to passengers.)

Additionally, you can see the sign written by Hatsune Miku and her friends in the streetcar. But there is only one Snow Miku streetcar, so you may need to wait if you want to see it.

If you are interested in Snow Miku, I recommend you to visit this website. Snow Miku