Friday 11 June 2021

What to Do When You Come Across a Bear


What to Do When You Come Across a Bear


June 11th 2021



Recently, a bear appeared near our university.

Also bears often appear near my house. My house is surrounded by mountains, so there are a few bears near my house.

My classmate has come across a bear once.


So, I’m going to write about what to do when a bear appears in front of us.

Firstly, Ezo Higuma live in Hokkaido. They weigh 120 to 250 kg (the biggest one is 400kg) and they are 150 to 200 cm tall. Higuma is the biggest creature on land in Japan. They can run 50km/h, swim, and also climb trees.

I don’t put on the real picture here because the picture scares me too much.




 So, situation1, when you see a bear from more than 20 m away from you.

You have to calm down and put your hands up and start talking to the bear. Then, slowly fade away and never look away from the him.


Next, situation2, when you come across a bear less than 20m away from you.

In this situation, one thing you must not do is to run away. It excites him and he will run after you.

So, don’t freak out and just slowly fade away between the trees in order to avoid crashing into a running bear.

If possible, you should hold bear spray in your hand.



Lastly, situation3, when a bear come running to you.

It seems desperate, but in most cases, they make a rush for you just to intimidate.

So, slowly fade away and make sure that he is just intimidating or really trying to attack.

And he coming within 3 to 4m, you should intimidate. Stand on a large stone or a fallen tree and make a loud noise or use a bear spray.


If you really attacked by a bear, you should take this stance.




 These are what to do when you come across a bear!



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