Thursday 10 June 2021

Ishikari Nabe

 Hi, I’m Tomoki. Today, I will introduce you to Ishikari Nabe. It’s famous as a local dish of  the Ishikari region.

At first, Ishikari Nabe was eaten only among fishermen who caught salmon in the Ishikari River. (The Ishikari River is famous for the large number of salmon that go up the river for spawning in the fall.) They used all of one salmon (even salmon head) to make it. A local restaurant called “Kindaitei” slightly changed the recipe and started to provide it to the customers. After that, in the 1950s, tourists began to visit the Ishikari River to watch autumn salmon fishing, and Ishikari Nabe was offered to them.

Now, salmon and vegetables are mainly used for ingredients. Chinese cabbage and mushrooms are often chosen. Basically, they’re stewed in a miso-based broth, but you can add a spoonful of butter for mildness.

You may think that Ishikari Nabe is a big sized miso soup. But miso soup is just a side dish along with a main dish. On the other hand Ishikari Nabe can be a main dish.

Also, the restaurant owners in Ishikari City organize the Akiazi no kai. The organization designated September 15th as the Ishikari Nabe Anniversary for the purpose of popularizing Ishikari Nabe.

I want you to try Ishikari Nabe. I'm sure you'll want to eat it again!


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