Friday 11 June 2021

The Buckwheat Field In Kuromatsunai

Hi everyone, I’m Momoe!

As you know, there are many places where you can see beautiful scenery in Hokkaido. But, I think that you have not seen the scenery of buckwheat fields yet. So today, I will introduce the buckwheat field in Kuromatsunai.

Kuromatsunai is located on the west side of Hokkaido. It has basically a mild climate, but sometimes a big typhoon passes. Buckwheat fields have been damaged by typhoons many times.

Look at the picture below.


This is the buckwheat field in Kuromatsunai. I think the scenery is really beautiful! Don’t you think so, too?

Every year around the middle of July, we can see this beautiful view. The white ones are buckwheat flowers. There are many buckwheat fields in Kuromatsunai. Among them, there is a vast buckwheat field equivalent to 100 Tokyo Domes.

It depends on the climate, but buckwheat grown in Hokkaido starts harvesting around the end of August. Freshly harvested buckwheat is called ”shin-soba”. It feels good going down and has a very good smell, so it’s very popular. If you have never tried it, please eat it!

Actually, my parents run a soba restaurant. They make buckwheat noodles using the buckwheat flour from Kuromatsunai that I just introduced. It’s good for your health because it doesn’t use pesticides. If you are interested, please search for “Suimeian sapporo” on the internet.


That is all. Thank you for reading my blog! See you next time :D

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