Wednesday 23 June 2021

Roadside Rest Areas in Hokkaido

 Today, I will introduce roadside rest areas in Hokkaido.

What are “roadside rest areas?”

In Hokkaido, there are 126 rest areas for long drives, they offer various services like local products and food. Roadside rest areas have three functions: refreshments, local community, and information. The roadside rest areas in Hokkaido organize a stamp rally, and you can join it for 300 yen. All roadside rest areas have their stamps, so you collect the stamps of each roadside station. You can get a prize if you gather a fixed number of stamps.

Popular Roadside Rest Areas

First, Sun Flower Hokuryu, which is located along National Highway 258 in Hokuryu Town. As you can see, it has a unique antique appearance. The feature of this roadside station is not only the appearance but also the facilities. You can enjoy hot springs, sunflowers in summer, and the products related to sunflowers. This station has a hotel, so if you want, you can stay there. 

Second, I will tell you about “Salmon Park Chitose '' which is located along National Highway 337. You can see the scene of catching salmon with a water wheel in Autumn because salmon go upstream every year in the Chitose River. Also, you can have delicious pizzas, ice creams, and so on. 

In addition to these roadside rest areas I introduced today, there are many attractive stations in Hokkaido. If you have an opportunity, would you like to visit roadside stations? 

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