Wednesday 23 June 2021

Baratogawa Green Land

 Hi there!

Today, I will introduce Baratogawa Green Land, which is close to our university.

Baratogawa Green Land is a relatively new park which opened in 2014.


This is the map of Baratogawa Green Land. As you can see, it is a very large park so you can relax, go for a walk, exercise, play golf and so on.

There are various playground equipment in Tsudoi-no-hiroba.

The equipment is scientific design, so children can enjoy learning science while playing with it. 


In Mizube-no-hiroba, you can see many kinds of flowers.

There’s no need to worry if you don’t know what flower is planted. Thanks to these panels, you can learn about some flowers.

Also, you can see a lot of birds in every area.


On the official website, you are able to get this map which describes wild bird’s habitats.

In addition, you can get more information at the administration office. I recommend you to go there and enjoy nature!!

Recently, a bear appeared in Lake Hare, near this park. I’m sure every student in this university knows that because we received a warning from the university.

For this reason, Baratogawa Green Land had been closed by June 18th.

Although now we can enter there, you have to watch out for bears.

You should read Yukino’s blog “What to Do When You Come Across a Bear” to prepare for when you meet them.

Actually, I’ve never been there so I really want to go and take some pictures in my free time.

If you’re interested, you should visit while you are a university student.

Thank you for reading. Have a nice day :-)

(source: official website→茨戸川緑地・あいの里公園 (

pictures and details→【茨戸川緑地】植物や野鳥の観察スポットしても人気のスポット | 札幌&大通公園 観光・旅行情報ガイド サポカン (

茨戸川緑地(北海道札幌市)| PARKFUL公園をもっと身近に、もっと楽しく。)


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