Wednesday 23 June 2021

No Tare, No Jingisukan.

 No Tare, No Jingisukan.


Hi! I'm Ichiyo.

Summer is coming soon in Hokkaido. 

The dish which many residents there want to eat on hot summer days is Jingisukan!

It is a grilled lamb or mutton dish like under the picture and one of the local dishes here.


In Hokkaido, there are a lot of kinds of sauce for Jingisukan, so I want to introduce "Jingisukan no tare", which is the most famous of them.

What is Bell Shokuhin?

Jingisukan no tare is produced by Bell Shokuhin, so I will introduce Bell Shokuhin first.                 

Bell Shokuhin is one of the long-established food companies in Hokkaido. It has run since 1947. It produces various kinds of seasoning such as barbecue sauce,

chilled ramen soup, soup curry stock, and so on. In this company, the most famous food product is Jingisukan no tare, which has been produced since 1956.

 The reason why Jingisukan became one of the popular dishes in Hokkaido


When Bell Shokuhin started to sell Jingisukan no tare, Jingisukan was not popular in Hokkaido, so it didn’t sell well. Then, Mr. Yamamoto, who was the president of this company at that time, decided to sell it with an iron pan for Jingisukan.  Additionally, he planned and carried out some lectures by nutritionists about Jingisukan, which were held in various regions of Hokkaido. Owing to these efforts,  its sales began to improve a lot, and Jingisukan became well known by many people in Hokkaido.

The ingredients of Jingisukan no tare

The base of Jingisukan no tare is soy sauce. Bell Shokuhin often uses vegetables made in Hokkaido to produce their food products, so it contains onion and garlic paste. Its sourness is just right and it goes well with lamb and mutton which are not seasoned.

You should enjoy Jingisukan party with your family and friends next summer vacation!

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