Thursday 24 June 2021

Favorite Towns in Hokkaido #1

 Favorite Towns in Hokkaido #1


Today, I’ll introduce Shosanbetu town.

Shosanbetu town is located in the northern part of Hokkaido.

Shosanbetu is famous for the Shosanbetu astronomical observatory.  

We can watch many kinds of stars. Furthermore, If you pay 3000 yen, you can give a star any name you like. 

Also, the Umezawa store is famous. The Umezawa store sells a delicacy, sliced raw fish (octopus or scallop) or some kinds of fish dried overnight.

Their most famous product is the dried natural shrimp (天然甘えび丸干し).

After Covid-19, I recommend you to visit Shosanbetu!!


I will introduce Furano.

Furano is in the middle of Hokkaido.

You can go to Furano from Sapporo in about 2 hours.

Furano is famous for lavender. There are beautiful flower farms and gardens.

In Furano Winery and Furano Wine House, a lavender garden adjoins the Winery and Wine house. You can enjoy the landscape of flowers and the flavor of wine.

You can enjoy outdoor activities.

You can try a powered paraglider flight. You can see Furano from the sky!

You can try this activity all year long. 

In winter, you can’t enjoy the landscape of lavender, but you can try winter sports.

For example, snow rafting, snow tubing and

snow banana-boarding.

You will have the experience of sliding on the snow at fast speed.

If you visit this website, you can find a lot of tourist sites and activities!



Have you heard the name of Yuubari melon? 

It is one of the famous brands of melon. 

As you know, it is grown in Yuubari. So I will introduce Yuubari.

The town used to be a coal town. Therefore Yuubari is derived from Yu-paro.

Yu-paro is Ainu language, meaning a place where mineral springs gush out.

But now, the situation is getting worse and worse.The problems are aging society, population decline, financial collapse, and so on.

That is why I want to know good points about Yuubari.

1. Takinoue park

We can enjoy seeing beautiful nature every season and a dynamic ravine.

2. The coal museam

As I told you, Yuubari was famous as a coal town. We can learn about the history of coal towns.

3. Mountre-sui

It is a hotel we can not only stay, but also enjoy winter sports like skiing.

Why don't you come on a trip to Yuubari?

Yuubari has a lot of attractive spots, of course you should eat a Yuubari melon.

(Sumire, Yuna, Komachi)

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