Saturday 12 June 2021

English Cafe

English Cafe

Date/ June/3/2021

Hello! I’m Aino. Well, do you know English Cafe? I guess most people don’t know so much about it. So, I will tell you what English Cafe is and how to use it.

What is English Cafe?

In this cafe, we can talk freely with native English speakers with coffee.There is no curriculum, and the style is learning English while talking freely about what you’re interested in. In other words, it’s more like “making English practical” rather than “ learning English”.

How to use English Cafe?

There are several English Cafes in Sapporo, and I will explain how to use one of them as an example.

picture from CHIT CHAT CAFE HP



  英会話 札幌|英会話カフェ Chit Chat Cafe (札幌市中央区) (


         Business Hours :  Thursday  10:30~12:00,14:00~18:00

                                        Friday       14:00~20:00

                                                    Saturday   13:00~18:00



 This cafe doesn’t require reservations, so you can visit whenever you want. And of course you can visit there as a group (family, friends) or alone. You will talk with 3~5 people per table. Fortunately, you can drink  for free at this cafe!! Even better, this cafe is very cheap! You will pay 1000 yen for the first hour, and 500 yen for every 30 minutes thereafter.

This cafe also has lessons for people who want to improve their English skills more and more and so on. But those lessons will be more expensive

then freely talking.

The English Cafe is a fun place to learn English. 

   Let’s find an English cafe that suits you,and improve 

   your English!!




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