Thursday 24 June 2021

Calligraphy Culture in Hokkaido

The History of Japanese Calligraphy in Hokkaido

Did you know Hokkaido is a flourishing prefecture with Japanese calligraphy?

First of all, there are many kinds of penmanship in Japanese calligraphy.

For example, Kaisyo(楷書)or Kana (かな文字). Kaisyo is the most popular.  Also, you may know Kana because it is written in cursive.


Kaisyo(九成宮醴泉銘)  Kana(仮名序)

Also, Sousyo (草書), Tensyo (篆書) are famous types of Japanese calligraphy. Sousyo is what is called “cursive”. Tensyo (篆書) is used as a Hanko (seal). Here are some example pieces.

Sousyo (書譜) 

Tensyo (篆書)↓


        雨 (Rain)                             馬 (horse)                            鹿 (deer)        

Hokkaido is famous for modern japanese calligraphy, because modern japanese calligraphy originated in Hokkaido. It is based on a poem or haiku. 

This is modern japanese calligraphy which won the grand prize or the second prize in the Hokkaido Japanese calligraphy exhibition .


 (The grand prize)


   (The second prize)

Also, there are a lot of exhibitions in Hokkaido. For example, the Hokkaido Japanese calligraphy work exhibition or the Mainichi Japanese calligraphy work exhibition.

If you are interested in japanese calligraphy, why don’t you go to such a kind exhibition!

Hokkaido Syodouten is a calligraphy exhibition that is open to the public once every year.

It was created in 1960 and over 1300 calligraphy pieces are displayed each year. 

Calligraphy is loved by many people and there are around 285 calligraphy lessons available in Hokkaido. 

Calligraphers in Hokkaido

I will introduce two calligraphers that are currently active in Hokkaido.

The first one is Ishino Kao. She is a famous calligrapher and a YouTuber. She has won many awards, performed in many Calligraphy Performances, and many companies have invited her to teach courses on the proper manners of calligraphy. As of now, she is teaching calligraphy in Sapporo.

The second calligrapher is Nakano Hokumei. He is from Hokkaido and his calligraphy is centered on modern-style poetry. He has a good reputation for his works all around the world and has held many exhibitions in the past.

(Sumire, Kanna)

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