Thursday 24 June 2021

Futsal and Espolada Hokkaido

 Hi everyone,

I would like to introduce my favorite sport!

The sport I love is Futsal.

Have you ever heard of Futsal?

Probably you have heard of it, but you don’t know about it.

So today, I would like you to know more about it.

Most of you think that Futsal is similar to Football. Of course they have common rules, however there are more different rules than the same rules.

For example, a futsal ball and goal are smaller than in football, also a futsal field is about 1/9 of a football field. The number of players is different, there are 11 players in each team in a football game, on the other hand there are only 5 players in each team.

In fact, these rules make futsal so interesting and exciting.

フットサル‐INFO | 【掲載数No.1】フットサルコート、大会、個サルを条件・地域別に検索

Actually, I belong to the 2nd team of Espolada Hokkaido. 

Espolada Hokkaido is the only Futsal team in Hokkaido which joins the Japan Futsal League (F League). It is like Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo.

You can watch their games at Kitagas Arena or Kitaeru and sometimes on TV. It is affordable so you can enjoy the games easily!

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It is so difficult to explain how interesting it is because Futsal has plenty of fascinating points!

All I would like you to do is go to the stadium and watch the games!

You can check the date of games on the official website.

Seeing is believing!


What is the difference between football and futsal?

Espolada Hokkaido Official website

Thank you for reading!


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