Friday 6 August 2021

Wild birds in Our University

 Hi, I'm Rion.🙋

I'm so sad because this is my last post :-(

This time, I’ll show you some wild birds which we can see in our university.

(All of the photos were taken by me.) 

1.  Japanese (Kamchatka) Pied Wagtail

Probably you often see this bird in our university. 

We can see it all year round in Sapporo, especially in summer.

Its height is about 21cm and weight is 30g.

This bird moves its long tail quickly up and down as it walks.

I love its move and cute cry. When you find Japanese pied wagtail, I strongly recommend you to observe it !

2. Siskin

I first met siskin in Makomanai Park, so I was surprised and glad to see it in our university.

Its height is about 12.5cm.

When I saw siskins in Makomanai Park, they were in flocks.

However, this time it was only one.

I wonder why it was not in flocks…

3. Japanese tit

I’m not sure if this bird is Japanese tit.

But I want you to look at this pretty face, so I will explain it.

Its height is about 14.5cm, similar to a sparrow.

A black line on the neck looks like a tie is their charm point.

I want to make a wild bird picture book in my university and share it with as many students as possible until my graduation.

There are many birds here so when you find them, please tell me !

Thank you for reading ! I hope to see you again someday :-)

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