Thursday 5 August 2021

Movies and Dramas that set in Hokkaido

 こんな夜更けにバナナかよ-愛しき実話-(A Banana? At this Time of Night?)

I’ll introduce you to the movie called “A Banana? At this Time of Night?”. This movie is a true story. The main character, Yasuaki Shikano, is suffering from progressive muscular dystrophy and he lives in Sapporo. This movie’s story is that some volunteers help him and they grow together. Also this movie focuses on the life of people with disabilities and normalization. 

In addition, Oizumi Yo who is from Hokkaido acted as the main character. There are many famous places in Hokkaido in this movie.

If you study a special  support education, I strongly recommend you to watch it. Also If you are interested in it, why don’t you watch it!

Silver spoon

Silver spoon is a movie that takes place in an Agricultural High school in Hokkaido.

The movie has action and is a love story between unique students and it grows through agricultural practices and extracurricular activities. 

Silver spoon is based on a comic and it won a Manga Award back in 2012.  You can clearly see Hokkaido’s beautiful nature in the film, which is a plus. I strongly recommend you watch it.


This is a drama broadcasted from September, 2014 to March, 2015.

It is one of Asadora series. NHK has broadcast 15 minute dramas every morning since 1961. This serial TV novel series is called Asadora.

The story of Massan is that Massan (Masaharu Kameyama) and his wife Elly try to make their own whisky with a lot of severe trials.

Finally, they can achieve their wish in Hokkaido.

And it is set in the Taisho era, so you can see the atmosphere of this era. 

In many Asadora series, you can learn the Japanese history thanks to detailed supplementary explanations. 

In addition, you can learn the importance of continuing to try something and the kindness of people through this drama.

So, I think you should watch it at least once.

If you want to do so, please check this. Massan

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