Thursday 5 August 2021

Kiyota Ward

 Hello, I’m Ayaka.

I’ll introduce Kiyota Ward, one of the regions in Sapporo. Kiyota Ward is not well known, but has many good characteristics.

1. Basic information about Kiyota Ward

 Sapporo has ten wards, Chuo Ward, Kita Ward, Minami Ward, Higashi Ward, Nishi Ward, Teine Ward, Atsubetsu Ward, Shiroishi Ward, Toyohira Ward and Kiyota Ward. Kiyota Ward is the newest of the ten wards. Kiyota Ward is the 4th largest region of ten wards, but the population in Kiyota Ward is the smallest of the ten wards. Kiyota Ward is located in the south-east area in Sapporo and next to Kitahiroshima City and Eniwa City.概況 各区面積

2. The mark of Kiyota Ward

Kiyota Ward has a mark as a symbol. The following mark represents Kiyota Ward. The orange rectangle means a thick trunk and represents regional stability and harmony. The green ellipse means fresh leaves and represents future possibilities. The blue line means a river and endless development of the ward treasuring nature. 図:清田区のシンボルマーク

3. Three places as the symbol of Kiyota Ward

 In 2007, the 10th anniversary of the birth of Kiyota Ward, Kiyota Ward decided to regard Mt.Shirahata, the Abashiribetsu River and Hiraoka ume garden as the symbol.

Mt. Shirahata is 321.5 meters in height and located south-west in Kiyota Ward. In this mountain, you can observe animals and plants, see Ariake Falls, try ceramic art and so on.


The Abashiribetsu River is a long and clean river. The public name of the river is the Atsubetsu River, but some people in Kiyota Ward call it the Ashiribetu River because the area in Kiyota Ward was called Ashiribetsu. At the riverbed, you can enjoy walking and golf. 


 Hiraoka ume garden is in Hiraoka park. Hitaoka ume garden had about 1200 ume trees in a large area. In May, you can see red and white ume blossoms there.


Kiyota Ward is a nice place with an abundance of nature. Then let you relax with Kiyota Ward’s nature when you visit Kiyota Ward.

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