Sunday 1 August 2021

The Yukara Textile Museum

 I will Introduce the Yukara textile museum. 

The Yukara textiles museum is next door to the snow art museum, and located in Asahikawa. Yukara textiles are called Yukara-ori in Japanese. Yukara-ori was designed as one of Hokkaido’s traditional crafts. 

To produce Yukara-ori textiles requires more than 200 colored threads. Because a countless number of different hues are created, it is possible to produce beautiful designs.

Yukara-ori’s theme is “The beauty of nature in Hokkaido”. 

In 1962, Aya Kiuchi founded the Yukara-ori textile workshop in Asahikawa. She said, “I want to produce things which enrich everyone’s heart.” Her thoughts have been passed down in this city.

However, in 2006, Yukara-ori textiles were on the verge of extinction because of Aya Kiuchi’s death. And the Yukara textiles museum was closed in 2016. A lot of people who had been working in this field lost their jobs. 

In 2018, some of the weavers started a workshop for Yukara-ori textiles. Over 83,000 people cooperated with those weavers. Thanks to those efforts, Yukara-ori textile was revived.

Unfortunately, the Yukara textile museum is closed now, so you can’t go there. However, you can buy Yukara textile products at the Asahikawa roadside service area.

I strongly recommend you to enjoy Yukara textiles and to feel how beautiful Yukara-ori is. 



【公式】優佳良織工房 -Yukaraori Kobo-

【長期休館中】北国の自然と手仕事の技を伝えてくれる優佳良織工芸館 | JTRIP  Smart Magazine 北海道

優佳良織(ゆうからおり)|村田ボーリング技研株式会社 ( 

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