Monday 2 August 2021


 About Toukibi

Toukibi is a dialect of Hokkaido and it means corn. Hokkaido is the largest producer of Toukibi in Japan. Toukibi is very sweet, for two reasons. First, Hokkaido has a big difference in temperature between day and night. Like other vegetables and fruits, Toukibi becomes sweeter and delicious as the temperature difference between day and night increases. The other reason is that the days of Hokkaido are longer in summer. Sugar is stored in the daytime and sugar consumption is suppressed by breathing at low temperatures at night, so it becomes sweet.

Toukibi stall at Odori park

There is a Toukibi stall at Odori park. This is one of Sapporo’s summer futures. We can eat very very sweet Toukibi. This opens from Monday, April 19 to Sunday, October 17, and opening hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. This year, Toukibi stall moved to West 1st Street because of the Tokyou Olympic 2020. Why don’t you go to the Toukibi stall and enjoy eating Toukibi this summer ?

Corn in Hokkaido

 On June 23, Starbucks coffee Japan announced they would start to sell “each prefecture’s frappuccino” until August 3. It is being sold to mark the 25 anniversary of the opening first shop in japan. Frappuccino is the name and registered trademark of a Starbucks blended ice beverage and a bottled coffee-milk beverage. Because employees in 47 prefectures suggested and decided the flavors, its feature is that it reflects the local specialty. For example, Kyoto's flavor is “Matcha”.

 In Hokkaido, the flavor is corn. Have you drunk it yet? Hokkaido prefecture is the first place for corn harvest in Japan. And then, in Odori park, which is one of the most famous places in Hokkaido, grilled corn has been sold since the Meiji era and is known to many people, including people coming from other prefectures and countries. Ishikawa takuboku, who is a famous poet in Japan, wrote a song of this grilled corn in 1910 and there is his bronze statue in odori park. Thus, corn is famous for people of all ages.

This Frappuccino contains cream made from milk so it has a creamy taste. According to the  Starbucks coffee Japan’s website, the contrast colors of yellow and white express the sunshine that is reflected and glowed on the snow. It targets young people so appearance is significant too.


It will be finished on August 3 and the reputation is better than before starting to be sold. Thus, you may want to go to Starbucks coffee shops near your house and drink this special Frappuccino.

北海道のとうもろこしがとても甘いのはなぜでしょうか?|北海道のこだわり旬野菜のネット通販サイト/シエラ ファーマー (

[新商品情報] 北海道 とうきび クリーミー フラペチーノ®|スターバックス コーヒー ジャパン (

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