Thursday 5 August 2021

Famous People from Hokkaido#2

 Taka and Toshi

Do you know Taka and Toshi? They are a comedy duo. Many people call them Taka Toshi. Taka is on the left and Toshi is on the right.

Taka’s real name is Takahiro Suzuki. Toshi’s real name is Toshikazu Miura.

They were born in Hokkaido.

They went to the same junior high school. When they were 8th grades, they formed a comedy duo and did a stand-up comedy act in the school festival.

After they graduated from high school, they started to work as comedians.

In 2016, they were appointed as tourism ambassadors.

Now, they have television series named after them in Hokkaido.

This is their profile. Taka and Toshi

Miyuki Nakajima 

Miyuki Nakajima is from Sapporo and is a very famous Japanese singer songwriter . A lot of her songs are very beautiful and a melody to one’s ears. Over 1 million of her songs were sold in the 1990s. Ito and Fight are her songs that are still sung by many people till today. 

A recently directed movie named Ito was actually based on the lyrics to the song Ito.  I think her songs are sung by many people all the time.


Sakanaction is a musician and formed in 2005. All members except one person are from Hokkaido. Yamaguchi Ichiro is the main vocalist in the center of this picture. He is from Otaru.

I’ll introduce some famous music. “ミュージック(Music)”,”忘れられないの(I can’t forget)”,“『バッハの旋律を夜に聴いたせいです。(Es ist weil ich die Musik von Bach Nachts höre)』”,”新宝島(New Treasure Island)”.

If you are interested in their music, I recommend you to listen to them!!

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