Monday 2 August 2021

JICA International center in Sapporo.

                                 JICA International center in Sapporo.


Today I will tell you about the JICA International center in Sapporo.

Have you ever heard of JICA? You have probably heard of it at least once before. JICA stands for Japan International Cooperation Agency. This organization has been actively doing a lot of different things as international cooperation to help developing countries. The JICA International center in Sapporo is one of the facilities of that organization.

In this center, there are various kinds of things you can do but I will focus on three distinguishing things there.

First, there is a place where you can enjoy experiencing different cultures. There, you can see some displays while listening to the guide. If you go and see these displays, you can learn about real problems that the world is facing and the connections between developing countries and our own.

Second, you can listen to the stories from Japan Overseas Cooperation volunteers and learn about what volunteer activities are like, as well as life in a developing country and the cultural differences.

Last but not least, you can help children in developing countries just by eating lunch or dinner at this place. If you eat one meal, 20 yen out of that price will be donated. So every time you eat one meal, you donate one meal to children in developing countries automatically. Even if you don’t know what you should do for developing countries, you may be able to save someone’s life by eating something there.

If you are interested in international cooperation, you should go there! Then you can learn about many different interesting and important things, and you also have the chance to donate meals to those in need.


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