Friday 6 August 2021

 Famous people from Hokkaido

Hi, everyone! How’s it going?

Today, I'm going to talk about famous people from Hokkaido!

I think everyone knows that Yo Oizumi is from Hokkaido.

So today, I will talk about famous people maybe some of you don’t know.


JUDY AND MARY is my most favorite band. She is from Hakodate.

Her most famous song is “Sobakasu”. Maybe you know.


This is the cafe she went to a lot when she was  a high school student and college student.

I want to go there someday…

No.2 Shinji Takeda

He is from Shinoro, Sapporo.  He lived until he won the Junon SuperBoy Contest Grand Prix.

He is famous for his muscles and playing sax well.

He is now famous for Muscle exercise. Please watch this when you are free.

No.3 Toma Ikuta

He is an actor and lived in Muroran.

He is also a member of Johnny’s. Recently he got married, so I'm a little bit sad.

So these are the famous people from Hokkaido.

Thank you for reading my blog. it’s been soooo hot, so please take care. See you! 

Yurigahara Park

 【Yurigahara Park】

Hello, I am Kotaro.I will introduce you to Yurigahara Park.

Yurigahara Park was created to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Emperor Showa's reign and is located in Kita-ku, Sapporo, covering an area of 25 hectares with about 6,400 species of flowers, including about 100 varieties of lilies. The "Gardens of the World" area is also popular, featuring traditional gardens from Sapporo's sister cities of Shenyang, China; Munich, Germany; Portland, USA; and Japan. The Japanese Garden Zone is especially wonderful, with gardens created using various techniques and technologies unique to Japanese gardens.

There is a slow-moving train in the park, from which you can see various flowers according to the season.

There are so many flowers that you can see different flowers every time you visit. There is also a restaurant in the park and a lot of playground equipment, so both children and adults can have fun all day long.

Atsubetsu Koen Stadium

Hi, I’m Nanami. It’s my final turn to post my blog. Here, I would like to introduce you about Atsubetsu Koen Stadium in Atsubetsu Ward in Sapporo. Its total size of ground is 13.2 hectare. It is 3 times as large as Tokyo Dome. It was made for “Kokutai '' National Sports Festival held in 1989, the first year of Heisei. Now, it is mainly used for professional soccer, American football, and track and field. It is used as the home stadium of Consadore Sapporo, Sapporo's soccer team. However, not only for professional players, but also students in Sapporo or citizens enjoy exercise in the stadium. When I was an elementary school student, I joined the Marathon Festival there, and it was also used for sports festival for junior high school or high school students.

The facilities are well equipped. There are convenient facilities for Athletes. 

This is the main stadium. There are stands and it can accommodate over 20,000 people. The field and tracks are maintained all year around.

This is the main stadium. There are stands and it can accommodate over 20,000 people. The field and tracks are maintained all year around.

This is the sub ground of the stadium. Here, athletes can practice. In addition, it is also open to citizens for free so they can enjoy walking or running.

This is the sub ground of the stadium. Here, athletes can practice. In addition, it is also open to citizens for free so they can enjoy walking or running.

There is also a training gym. It is also open for citizens but they need to pay to use this facility.


If you are interested in these facilities, please visit the website!公園案内/トレーニングルーム/

Thank you for reading.

Wild birds in Our University

 Hi, I'm Rion.🙋

I'm so sad because this is my last post :-(

This time, I’ll show you some wild birds which we can see in our university.

(All of the photos were taken by me.) 

1.  Japanese (Kamchatka) Pied Wagtail

Probably you often see this bird in our university. 

We can see it all year round in Sapporo, especially in summer.

Its height is about 21cm and weight is 30g.

This bird moves its long tail quickly up and down as it walks.

I love its move and cute cry. When you find Japanese pied wagtail, I strongly recommend you to observe it !

2. Siskin

I first met siskin in Makomanai Park, so I was surprised and glad to see it in our university.

Its height is about 12.5cm.

When I saw siskins in Makomanai Park, they were in flocks.

However, this time it was only one.

I wonder why it was not in flocks…

3. Japanese tit

I’m not sure if this bird is Japanese tit.

But I want you to look at this pretty face, so I will explain it.

Its height is about 14.5cm, similar to a sparrow.

A black line on the neck looks like a tie is their charm point.

I want to make a wild bird picture book in my university and share it with as many students as possible until my graduation.

There are many birds here so when you find them, please tell me !

Thank you for reading ! I hope to see you again someday :-)

Hokkaido Shinkansen

 Hi, I am Tomoki. Today, I will introduce the Hokkaido Shinkansen. (The shinkansen means bullet train.) The Hokkaido Shinkansen was opened to traffic on May 26th, 2016.

 The picture on the left is the symbol of the Hokkaido Shinkansen. It is designed in the motif of Gyrfalcon and the grandeur of Hokkaido. Also, it shows the convenience and express delivery that connects Hokkaido and Honshu, which is the main island of Japan by Shinkansen and expansion of exchanges between regions.

 Now, the Hokkaido Shinkansen runs between Shin-Hakodate Hokuto Station and Tokyo Station. It can be reached from Shin-Hakodate Hokuto Station to Tokyo Station in about 4 hours. Hokkaido Railway Company plans to extend to Sapporo by the end of 2030. The extending distance from Shin-Hakodate Hokuto to Sapporo will be about 200km. However, 80% of the extending distance goes through the tunnel. Therefore, unfortunately, you cannot see the outside scenery while passing through the tunnel.

 Next, I will talk about ordinary cars. Snowflakes are drawn on the floor of the aisle. The guest room blinds are designed with patterns such as Jomon period pottery patterns and Ainu patterns. The headrests of each seat can be moved. And each seat has a power outlet. It is convenient for using a computer and charging a smartphone. Therefore, I think you will be able to spend your time comfortably on the Hokkaido Shinkansen.

Thursday 5 August 2021



 Hi, I’m Momoka! Today, I’m going to introduce Seicomart.

Seicomart is one of the oldest existing convenience stores in Japan. Its first store was opened in 1971. As you know, Seicomart is a really famous convenience store in Hokkaido. I love Seicomart so much, so I frequently use it. I’ll tell you why I'm a heavy user.

 First reason is a good selection of goods.Seicomart puts an emphasis on food, above all, it has a wide selection of precooked foods and sweets. And all goods are inexpensive! So, this means that we can make a choice among so many. You may not be able to choose what to buy because there are too many foods. But, don't worry. All goods are reasonable, so you can select many.


 Second reason is the good taste. As mentioned above, Seicomart ‘s foods have a wide selection and good prices. Besides, the taste of these foods are also good!

Hokkaido is famous for its delicious foods, it makes a huge influence on the quality of Seicomart goods. Almost all foods are used  domestically or Hokkaido’s foodstuffs, especially ingredients of sweets that use Hokkaido milk. For these reasons, it can be said that Seicomart pays particular attention to the taste of it, so I think that Seicomart foods can be included as Hokkaido foods.

 When I go to Seicomart, I can select from a wide selection of foods, and all foods are good and cheap!! So, Seicomart is perfect for me!  If you guys seldom go to Seicomart, please go there, and find your favorite one!

Moerenuma park

 Moerenuma park

   Hi, everyone. This is Maya.

Have you ever been to Moerenuma park?

I live in Higashi-Ku, Sapporo and this park is located in Higashi-Ku. There are beautiful forests also there are artistic structures. So,  I think Moerenuma park is the best one of the parks.


   On 1998 July 5th, this park opened as a Suigo park which is a spacious park that is characterized by being in contact with nature.

   Also, approximately 1,800 cherry trees were planted with the aim of becoming a famous place for cherry blossoms in 1983.

Additionally, In 1970 started carrying in the garbage to create a park, and till in1990 it was landfilled about 71.2ha this means 2,736,000t are landfilled. Why was it landfilled? Because this park was planned as a base park in the northeastern part of the “Round Greenbelt Concept”.


   Do you know about Moerenuma fireworks? This event is famous for people who not only live in Higashiku but also live in other places. 

  This event consists of fireworks balls of the fireworks master who won the Prime Minister’s Award, the highest peak in Japan.

Moreover, music fireworks are carefully programmed to synchronize with the rhythm and tone of the music.

HANABITO - イープラスモエレ沼芸術花火2019 - 「HANABITO」全国花火大会&祭り 有料チケット ...

   The entry fee is more than 8,000 yen!!! (However, it changes depends on the seats.)

It’s very expensive but if you pay this fee, you can watch the beautiful scenery.

How do you pay for it?

 If you come to Higashi-Ku, why don't you visit this park?

Thank you.



Hi, I'm Ichiyo.

I'm going to go to Erimocho this summer because I've decided to do teaching practice

in Erimo misaki elementary school. I've chosen to go there because I want to go to the

town near the sea, but I don't know about Erimocho at all. So I've decided to search

for some information about it and write the results in this blog.

1 Where is Erimocho?

Erimocho is located in the southeast end of Hokkaido and blessed with marine resources
and views of natural scenery. Also, it is one of Japanese towns which is over a strong wind
zone, so Erimocho is called a windy town. By the way, the origin of Erimocho's name is the
Ainu word 'enlum', which means protruding head.

2 Many natural tourist attractions in Erimocho

In Erimocho, there are a lot of natural tourist attractions. In this blog, I will tell you about

two main places.

①Erimo Misaki

Erimo Misaki is one of the famous Japanese capes. It is made up of the end of

Hidaka mountain, which is called Hokkaido's backbone. Countless rough waves have been

washing against the cape   for many years, so you cannot approach its edge even if you take a board. Instead, you can

actually feel mighty nature away from its risky edge. Sometimes some seals are basking

in sunshine on its edge, so you should bring your telescope to watch them.

②Lake Toyoni

Lake Toyoni is the only lake within Hidaka district. It is surrounded by virgin forest. It is

called heart lake because it looks like a heart shape from the sky. Also, it was used as one

scene of a commercial by Ishiya Seika, which is one of the famous Hokkaido's confectionery


3 Abundant seafood 

In Erimocho, the fishing industry is flourishing. There are various kinds of seafood

such as salmon, trout, urchin and so on in the bay of Erimocho. Kelp gathering is also

famous there. If you visit Erimocho, you can enjoy eating Kaisendon using a lot of fresh

seafood grown there.

いさみ寿し -いさみ寿し -

If you are interested in Erimocho, you should make your travel plan to visit there!

Rest Areas in Hokkaido

 Do you like driving? There are some attractive rest areas in Hokkaido. 

Mt. Usu Rest Area

It is located in Date. There is an observatory and we can see Mt.Usu, Mt.Showa Shinzan and the dynamic sea.

Also, we can enjoy The ice cream.     


This ice cream is so delicious! I want you to eat this once!

Also, you can eat delicious dishes, such as noodles, curry rice, a bowl of pork and so on. If you feel tired or hungry, you should visit there.

Sunagawa Highway Oasis

I will introduce Sunagawa Highway Oasis. 

You can go there about an hour from Sapporo. 

There are many things that you can enjoy.

You should go to Kitakaro. Kitakaro is pastry shop in Hokkaido.

Kitakaro’s ice cream is very delicious, you should try it! 

In Soraichi Market, there are vegetables, fruits made in Sorachi.

You can buy fresh vegetables and fruits.

If you feel tired, you can relax in nature. There is a park. 

Of course, you can buy souvenirs.

You should go there! This is the website. Sunagawa Highway Oasis 


Wattsu Parking Area

(Photo provided by NEXCO EAST)

I think most of the parking areas on an expressway have minimum facilities like restrooms or vending machines. But, there are some fascinating facilities in this parking area.

Firstly, they have a big parking space. (26 slots for large vehicles/139 slots for small vehicles)

Secondly, this parking area was built as the Dramatic Area for the first time in Hokkaido. Therefore, you can buy so many kinds of souvenirs here.

Finally, there is a gas station. If you want to go to eastern Hokkaido, you should check the amount of gas in your car. Because you have just two opportunities to refuel your car when you drive from Sapporo to wherever in the direction of Tokach using an expressway: you can refuel at Wattu Parking Area and Yuni Parking Area.

For more information, visit a website (Japanese/English). If you can read Japanese, I recommend you to see the website on Japanese because you can get more specific information from that page.

Kiyota Ward

 Hello, I’m Ayaka.

I’ll introduce Kiyota Ward, one of the regions in Sapporo. Kiyota Ward is not well known, but has many good characteristics.

1. Basic information about Kiyota Ward

 Sapporo has ten wards, Chuo Ward, Kita Ward, Minami Ward, Higashi Ward, Nishi Ward, Teine Ward, Atsubetsu Ward, Shiroishi Ward, Toyohira Ward and Kiyota Ward. Kiyota Ward is the newest of the ten wards. Kiyota Ward is the 4th largest region of ten wards, but the population in Kiyota Ward is the smallest of the ten wards. Kiyota Ward is located in the south-east area in Sapporo and next to Kitahiroshima City and Eniwa City.概況 各区面積

2. The mark of Kiyota Ward

Kiyota Ward has a mark as a symbol. The following mark represents Kiyota Ward. The orange rectangle means a thick trunk and represents regional stability and harmony. The green ellipse means fresh leaves and represents future possibilities. The blue line means a river and endless development of the ward treasuring nature. 図:清田区のシンボルマーク

3. Three places as the symbol of Kiyota Ward

 In 2007, the 10th anniversary of the birth of Kiyota Ward, Kiyota Ward decided to regard Mt.Shirahata, the Abashiribetsu River and Hiraoka ume garden as the symbol.

Mt. Shirahata is 321.5 meters in height and located south-west in Kiyota Ward. In this mountain, you can observe animals and plants, see Ariake Falls, try ceramic art and so on.


The Abashiribetsu River is a long and clean river. The public name of the river is the Atsubetsu River, but some people in Kiyota Ward call it the Ashiribetu River because the area in Kiyota Ward was called Ashiribetsu. At the riverbed, you can enjoy walking and golf. 


 Hiraoka ume garden is in Hiraoka park. Hitaoka ume garden had about 1200 ume trees in a large area. In May, you can see red and white ume blossoms there.


Kiyota Ward is a nice place with an abundance of nature. Then let you relax with Kiyota Ward’s nature when you visit Kiyota Ward.

Movies and Dramas that set in Hokkaido

 こんな夜更けにバナナかよ-愛しき実話-(A Banana? At this Time of Night?)

I’ll introduce you to the movie called “A Banana? At this Time of Night?”. This movie is a true story. The main character, Yasuaki Shikano, is suffering from progressive muscular dystrophy and he lives in Sapporo. This movie’s story is that some volunteers help him and they grow together. Also this movie focuses on the life of people with disabilities and normalization. 

In addition, Oizumi Yo who is from Hokkaido acted as the main character. There are many famous places in Hokkaido in this movie.

If you study a special  support education, I strongly recommend you to watch it. Also If you are interested in it, why don’t you watch it!

Silver spoon

Silver spoon is a movie that takes place in an Agricultural High school in Hokkaido.

The movie has action and is a love story between unique students and it grows through agricultural practices and extracurricular activities. 

Silver spoon is based on a comic and it won a Manga Award back in 2012.  You can clearly see Hokkaido’s beautiful nature in the film, which is a plus. I strongly recommend you watch it.


This is a drama broadcasted from September, 2014 to March, 2015.

It is one of Asadora series. NHK has broadcast 15 minute dramas every morning since 1961. This serial TV novel series is called Asadora.

The story of Massan is that Massan (Masaharu Kameyama) and his wife Elly try to make their own whisky with a lot of severe trials.

Finally, they can achieve their wish in Hokkaido.

And it is set in the Taisho era, so you can see the atmosphere of this era. 

In many Asadora series, you can learn the Japanese history thanks to detailed supplementary explanations. 

In addition, you can learn the importance of continuing to try something and the kindness of people through this drama.

So, I think you should watch it at least once.

If you want to do so, please check this. Massan