Wednesday 8 June 2022

Tofu! Tofu! Tofu!


Tofu! Tofu! Tofu!


 Hi, I`m Suzuki Terashima!  Today, I will introduce my favorite food in Hokkaido!!!    Do you know ‘‘Tofu‘‘??

It is made from soybeans. Needless to say, Hokkaido is big soybean producing area.

In Addition, there are two types of Tofu.



The one on the top is ‘‘Silk Tofu‘‘, and another one is ‘‘Firm Tofu‘‘.

The two types of Tofu differ in hardness. I prefer hard ‘‘Firm Tofu’’ because I take good care of texture.


Anyway, I will show you my favorite Tofu Izakaya in Sapporo.


 Wow!! Tofu! Tofu! Tofu! We can eat these dishes at ``KANAMASU YAYOI TOFU`` in Sapporo. This Izakaya serves original Tofu, and uses many of locally grown vegetables.





Finally, I would like to introduce my recommended Tofu dish!


 This is ‘‘Mabo Tofu‘‘!!

This dish originated in China and is a little spicy. It uses a lot of spices, so the smell is fragrant!!

It is especially delicious to sprinkle with sesame oil at the end.




This is yu-tofu.

It is made by placing tofu in a simmering kelp-based broth.

When making the dish, it is important to not let the broth boil, instead heating the tofu on low heat.

The heated tofu is then placed in a special sauce before eating.

Special sauce options include ponzu vinegar, roasted sesame dressing, and a spicy sauce.

Add any desired condiments and enjoy!



 I was gradually hungry because I was talking about Tofu. Tofu is the best Japanese food, so I want everyone eat it a lot.



Thank you for reading!!

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