Monday 25 July 2022


 Team-NACS’s members


The members are Hiroyuki Morisaki, Yo Oizumi, Ken Yasuda, Shigeyuki Totsugi, and Takuma Otoo.


They are graduates of Hokkaigakuen University. They belonged to the Theatre Study Group at their university. They were born in Hokkaido. They assembled in 1996.


The leader is Hiroyuki Morisaki. The second leaders are Shigeyuki Totsugi and Ken Yasuda. Takuma Otoo is the youngest in the Team-NACS. Hiroyuki Morishige is the oldest.


When Ken Yasuda and Hiroyuki Morisaki graduated from their university, they dissolved. And then, Hiroyuki Morisaki was hired by some company in Tokyo.


However he missed the Team-NACS. So he retired the job and came back to Sapporo to reassemble the Team-NACS in 1997.


Their statement is “Our body is old, but our brain is young.” And now there is.

Team Nax’s popular songs and programs

Team Nax’s popular songs

l  Suspicion

l  Nobunaga’s Anguish

l  Ameo

l  Battle of Kanegasaki

l  Thief monkey     

programs starring Team Nax

l  Hanatarenax

This is a program that starts at 12:15 a.m. every Thursday. The first popular program with all five people started on January 31, 2003. The title comes from various meanings such as “A talent with flowers”.

l  Onigiri Atatamemasuka

This stars Shigeyuki Totsugi and Oizumi. The broadcast started on March 26, 2003. When the broadcast started, it was about deciding Lawson’s s special edition products in Hokkaido through trial and error from the requests of viewers. Until June 2021, TEAM NACS has done various activities not only in Hokkaido but also all over Japan and overseas.


Do you know TEAM NACS? I’m sure that almost all people who live in Hokkaido know them. All members in this group are from Hokkaido and graduated from Hokkaigakuen university, so this group is familiar to people in Hokkaido.

Why has TEAM NACS become so popular?

At first they were just local performers but each member appeared in local programs and music programs, so gradually they became famous. Now I think they will become more popular so you should go their concert soon.

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