Thursday 21 July 2022


Otaru Aquarium


Hi, everyone. I’m Keigo Masuyama.


Do you like aquariums? I like aquariums very much. Today, I’ll introduce the aquarium that represents Hokkaido. The name is “Otaru Aquarium”.



Have you ever been to the aquarium? The aquarium exhibits 5000 animals of 250 different species. The main building has 50 tanks of various sizes, exhibiting both warm and cold water animals. This aquarium is very large!

I’ll show you some of the animals I recommend.


First, this is the dolphin show. They’re one of the most popular animals in the aquarium. These dolphins go through rings in the air and receive flying balls. It’s powerful because there are a lot of splashes during the show. You can surely enjoy the show! These dolphin’s names are Rocky, Noah, Apollo, Robin, and Merry. Please call their names during the show.



Second, these are seals. These are exhibited outside the building and live in a near-wild environment. The types of seals are harbor seals (gomafu azarashi), ringed seals (wamon azarashi), and bearded seals (agohige azarashi). These are very cute, so you should visit to see them.



Finally, these are penguins. The types of penguins are humboldt penguins and gentoo penguins. Humboldt penguins are an endangered species, so they’re rare. In terms of swimming, gentoo penguins are the fastest. You’ll be surprised to see how fast they are. In winter, an event where these penguins take a walk outside the building is held. The way they walk is very cute.


Also, there is a small amusement park near the aquarium. It would be fun to go with the kids.




3-303 Shukutsu, Otaru City, Hokkaido 047-0047, Japan

60 minutes by car from Sapporo Station

Discount Tickets including JR ticket and Admission fee of Otaru Aquarium are available at the main stations of JR Hokkaido


Why don’t you go there?


Thank you for reading!

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