Friday 22 July 2022

Ekorinn mura


Hi, everyone!! I will talk about Ekorinn mura.

Ekorinn mura is a large ecology themed garden. Maybe, you will think, “What is Ekorinn?”. In Japanese, “Eko” indicates “ecology”(eco) and “Rinn”( 輪 ) indicates “connection”.

Therefore, the origin of name is the purpose of making a good care of a connection with the environment and achieving eco. When you visit there, you can be relaxed because there is incredible scenery and with lushgreen nature. There are galaxy “Ginga” gardens, which were designed by “Bunny Guinness” who is a famous garden designer. The garden is 100,000 hectares and there are a lot of gardens or areas with various themes. The garden has four seasonal scenery, so you can see various views for one year.

In spring, the garden has a” golden flower week” when there are a lot of narcissus are spread .

In summer, “Blue flower week” when flowers such as geranium or St.Aurea hit their peak.

In autumn, “dahlia week”, has 80 varieties of dahlias. You can see great views(nature or +flowers) in Ekorinn mura for all year.

There are various events at Ekorin mura.

You can enjoy farming experiences, hunting insects, delicious meals, and much more.

Here are two of them.

The first is the Rose Festival.

In the Ginga Garden in Ekorin mura, there are about 700 varieties and 5,000 roses in bloom.

There, you can enjoy looking at and even eating roses.

Surprisingly, about 4,500 of the 5,000 roses in the Galaxy Garden are edible roses.

Roses are in season in spring and fall, so I recommend you go there during that season.

It's so beautiful, you will miss out if you don’t go!

The second is the Kitchen car Marché.

There, you can eat a wide variety of foods.

For example, there are many interesting foods, such as fried bread made with sugar and 

coconut oil, and sushi parfait, which decorated sushi!

That’s all for my topic.

Thank you for your reading.

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