Tuesday 2 August 2022

Watermelons from Hokkaido

It’s getting hotter and hotter, isn’t it? I can’t stand this heat. Watermelons hit the spot on a day like this!! So today, I will introduce watermelons from Hokkaido.

Watermelons from Hokkaido:
There are three major production areas of watermelons in Hokkaido. The first is my favorite one, “Madonna”, which is made in Furano. We wrote about Furano on this blog before. Please check it out.

Look at the picture above. It is big enough to hide my face!! I like its crunchy texture and sweetness. While normal watermelons have a sugar content of about 10, this one has more than 12.

The second is Raiden, which is made in Kyouwa.

Because Kyouwa is facing the ocean, there is a large temperature difference between morning and night. So, Raiden is very sweet. In addition, Kyouwa is the largest producer of watermelons and Raiden is the most famous brand in Hokkaido.

The third is Densuke, which is made in Touma.
Look at this picture.

What a black one! Densuke is black on the outside and dark red on the inside. Also, it tastes so good. Although the price is high, it is popular as a gift. Densuke is the second famous brand in Hokkaido.

Have you seen watermelons with a yellow inside?

This is Otukisama, which is made in Tukigata. It looks like the moon. So, it is named Otukisama. Otukisama means the moon in English. It’s not as sweet as red watermelons, but it has a refreshing taste.

There are various brands of watermelons in Hokkaido. If you are interested, please try one.

Thank you for reading!!

[Writer: Shota]

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